RINO Senators Who Doomed Defund Vaccine Mandates Amendment – IOTW Report

RINO Senators Who Doomed Defund Vaccine Mandates Amendment


Four Senate Republicans failed to show up to vote on an amendment that would have defunded President Joe Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates, thus ensuring its failure.

The Senate voted on Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) amendment to the continuing resolution (CR), which would defund Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates. The measure failed 46-47, with Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Richard Burr (R-NC) failing to show up, depriving Senate Republicans a potential majority to pass the amendment to the CR. More

29 Comments on RINO Senators Who Doomed Defund Vaccine Mandates Amendment

  1. You have to search woman trampled Ottawa to get any info. Total news blackout on the event that brought the Trudeau regime to an end. This could be the end of the RCMP as well.

  2. 5 minutes and a brick in a locked room is all that anyone would need to deal with these jerk-offs. At worst, they’d be able to do nothing more than drool on themselves. At best, they’d be fertilizer.

  3. @Benito

    Not all of us have regrets about how we voted. Up until ’16, there hasn’t been a candidate I would piss on, unless it was their grave. I took the Montgomery Brewster approach….None of the Above

  4. I’ve been trying to get rid of our POS Inhofe for years. Years ago I wrote a letter to him, I can’t even remember now what it was about, some vote I disagreed with. I’m sure it was his aides who sent it, but I got a return letter that in a nutshell said he didn’t represent me, he represented the majority of Oklahomans who agreed with him. At that point I had voted for him, but I never have again. The rare times we have someone who runs against him in the primary I vote for them. In the general if there isn’t an independent on the ballot, I leave it blank.

    Is lifetime of sucking on the taxpayers’ tit has benefited him greatly financially, he has quite a spread. He’s so old now this surely will be his last term.

    With our voting machines counting the votes I don’t even have much hope that we can rid ourselves of James Lameford this primary season and he’s hated way more than Inhofe in this state.

  5. Traitors to their party, to their country, and to their constituency (their sovereign).

    But no-one should expect any of the four to behave any differently.
    Traitors gotta trait … and these have long histories of Traitor-ness.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Until Trump and since Reagan, the GOP hasn’t had a candidate worth pissing on, and that’s the truth.
    We’ve voted AGAINST the democrazy, but not necessarily FOR the repube.

  7. Four clear examples of Republicrats: supposed republicans who, through a variety of continual “accidental” means, somehow end up supporting democrat agendas. “Oh well, we’ll fight’em harder next time.”

  8. Americans need to realize this is what liberals are bringing here and vote for true conservatives. Get the Rino’s out and try to get some solidarity within the Republican party. I’m thinking we don’t have time to split the party now and take the time to regroup. Time is of the essence.

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