RIP Arnold Palmer – IOTW Report

RIP Arnold Palmer

UPDATE: One of golf’s greatest storytellers, Lee Trevino, talks about the last competitive round Arnold Palmer ever played. Great Stuff.

The King of Golf.

Arnold Palmer did more for golf during the age of television than any other golfer. Tiger Woods was transformative in his own way, but without Palmer, Woods might never have even cared about golf. It wouldn’t have been on his radar.



16 Comments on RIP Arnold Palmer

  1. Yes. Rest in Peace Arnie. I’m proud to say I met him some years ago at the Senior Open in New Jersey.
    Some guy on TV just called him “The Muhammad Ali” of golf. BS!
    To me he was the Rocky Marciano of golf.

  2. sad note to end the evening … Arnold Palmer was a living legend to me … such a wonderful, accessible human being … very down-to-earth
    I was a member of Arnie’s Army .. back in the day

  3. Arnold Palmer served in the Coast Guard.
    Rocky Marciano first started boxing in the US Army.
    Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) was a draft dodger.
    Whoever the TV guy was, he’s an asshole.

  4. Arnold Palmer was not just a great golfer, he was a man who exuded class, dignity and humility.

    It was pretty common back in his day, I suppose. It’s mostly gone today.

    He was a gentleman. So outmoded and reviled in this day and age.

  5. Tommy, Your analysis of the comparison of Arnie to Cautious Clay is spot on. Long gone are the days when true athletes answered their critics on the field of battle and not with their mouth.

  6. I’ll never forget when Johnny Carson had Arnold’s wife on his show. He asked her “What do you do before Arnold’s golf match?” She answered: “I kiss his balls.” “Golf balls!” Johnny gives his stunned looked. LMAO!

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