RIP Gruff – IOTW Report

RIP Gruff

Willy’s goat, Gruff, has passed away.


Update: The portrait I had posted previously in this post was not Gruff.


35 Comments on RIP Gruff

  1. As beautiful as that pet portrait is. That’s not Gruff…..
    It’s a long story about how I ended up with goats….started with 3, grew the herd to 14, then culled the herd down to 8….8 goats is a weird hobby, 14 becomes work. They became pets to me, like weird dogs that live outside because they have this automatic Pez dispenser. That’s why goats don’t wear pants. They have BIG personalities unique to each. I moved to Kansas with 7 and lost 4 of them when they were between 13 and 15 years old. Gruff was my favorite and he did drink beer/occasional bloody mary sips…..He spilled less beer then my buddy ‘Dan”. I still have 2 goats remaining. ‘Sweet Pea’ is 17 and looks pretty healthy. ‘Scarlet’ is 18 and is looking fairly ragged even with her glorious underbite…..My goat experience has been better then almost all of my human interactions…..Have a beer for GRUFF!!!….THANKS for all the kind comments!!!!

  2. Sorry Willy.

    Wife has been bugging me to get some goats. Did you pen them or let them roam? Iā€™d like that they eat the underbrush, poison ivy included. But Iā€™d have to fence in the garden, I guess.

  3. @PHenry….here’s my consolidated goat knowledge about foraging….if it’s leafy, they eat it first/second/third. If it’s grassy then get some sheep….if you want to keep your plantings in the lawn/garden, then pen them. If you don’t want them to get on top of your car, then pen them. If you want to drink beer with them then….just fucking do it!!!!!….

    If you have the land to turn into about 1 acre of alfalfa, get 3 to 4 goats…..FENCE IT!. Give them Shelter and water. Put in a bunkbed with a mini/frig for your own damn self….enjoy!!!!!….you can tether a goat to eat your weeds too….please contact your local government about tethering yung’uns to do farm work first….

  4. Thanks Willy. Good advice. Especially the beer part.
    Iā€™ve seen them on cars. Even climbing up on a gnarly old olive tree, reaching for one of its rew remaining leaves.

    Drinking beer with goats? Sold.

  5. Sad news, Willy. Always tough when you lose a friend that you had around that long. Good that you have a couple more to keep you on yer toes, but I’m guessing they don’t measure up to yer buddy.

  6. Sincere condolences. Was always a city kid until I met a Hebrew orthodontist in western MD circa 1985. He had a Christmas Tree farm and raised goats. Was amazed being surrounded by such loving and accepting creatures. Amusing appreciative pets they are. Changed my whole take on pets.

  7. He had a good life, was well fed and cared for and was protected from amorous muslims.

    Pets are friends and companions and when one is lost it’s always a tough day. Sorry for your loss.

  8. I totally understand how one can be closer to one’s pets or even animals in general than to people. My condolences to Willy. Time will heal that big empty space that Gruff occupied.


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