RIP Jim – IOTW Report


My condolences to Rotty Lover.

After a long illness her beloved Jim has passed away. He was in hospice at their home, and under her care, for a very long time.

Rotty Lover and I would talk from time to time and I got to know Jim through some stories and pictures she shared. I liked him.

No one should have to endure what the both of them went through. She qualifies as a living angel.

RIP Jim.

63 Comments on RIP Jim

  1. Jim and Rotty Lover were married for 41 years.
    He was in a tremendous amount of pain for far too long.
    Rotty Lover took care of him in hospice at their home for far longer than most could handle.

  2. My sincerest condolences to Rotty and her family. The only comfort I could offer is that he now is at least being loved by his heavenly father and in no more earthly pain.


  3. Rotty Lover,

    Words can not replace feelings and emotions.
    The condolences being expressed here are real and sincere.
    The expressions of compassion displayed here on IOTW are physically a flash in the pan but the true intent behind each and every wish will remain eternal to you and yours.

  4. May God take Jim without predjudice, without his pain into a new life that he will be in joyous worship of Him, and without that earthly pain. And may Rotty now live the rest of her years knowing that Jim is free. And she will one day see him again. And her life here for now is hers to live and be free. But for her love of her beloved, may her sorrows be brief, God Bless Jim!

  5. Rotty Lover, so very sorry that you have lost the “Love” of your life. Jim is now in the loving comfort of our God above.
    Now take the time to take care of your self,I know how hard it has been for you.

  6. “…to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

    Faithful until death was she.

  7. Rotty Lover My heart is in pain for you and your loss.
    But Jim, he is running in fields full of spring flowers, with his hair blowing in the breeze.
    My heart sings at his joy.
    Rotty Lover, you have taken good care of your man. You are a hero.
    God Bless

  8. I’m so sorry, Rotty Lover. Take time and grieve. Cry until you run out of tears. When you pull yourself together enough to make a sandwich, collapse on the kitchen floor and cry some more.

    Curl up on the couch with your dog and let him look in your eyes. He knows and you know he knows. Tell him so.

    A week or two from now, come to iOTW to say something, but change your mind thinking you don’t want to burden anyone with your problems, and tell us anyway. We care.

  9. Eternal rest grant unto Jim, O Lord,
    and let perpetual light shine upon him.
    May the souls of the faithful departed,
    through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    Rotty, you have my sympathy.

  10. Rotty Lover, I’m praying for you. Having been in the same situation (though mercifully not as long), I understand somewhat what you went through. After a year and a half, it sometimes still hits me so hard I can’t breathe.

    I pray that God sends you comfort and that your memories of your long and happy marriage will sustain you. Much love.

  11. Sorry to hear the news, you did an amazing thing caring for him and upholding your vows. Knowing he is in Heaven helps, but those of us left behind mourn his loss and your heartache. Prayers for you

  12. Thank you all. I am sitting here staring at all the equipment the hospice is coming to get this afternoon and I don’t know what to do with myself. I start to putter and organize and just start crying and have to sit down. I am so thankful he went unconscious on Fri and he no longer knew he was suffering. It was 7 days from the day he decided to stop the kidney and heart meds to death. He had to be reassured that God would not consider him stopping treatment as “punching his own ticket.” He managed to rouse himself one last time to say he loves me, I will treasure that always. I was holding his hand and talking in his ear that I love him and it is ok to let go. And he did. Very quickly and painlessly, just as I had prayed he would. He had suffered so much for so long.

  13. @RottyLover – my heart breaks reading your post. That lost feeling will last for a while, so when it overwhelms you, please remember to be kind to yourself. Eat, rest, and cry when necessary. Praying for you.


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