RIP Leon Redbone – IOTW Report

RIP Leon Redbone

He was 69.

14 Comments on RIP Leon Redbone

  1. I always liked him because he showed real respect for the old stuff from the early 1900’s and did quite authentic, simple renditions of a lot of great old songs. He also seemed to exude a measure of class and dignity that is rarely if ever displayed by today’s “musicians”. At least we can still listen to his music as long as youtube doesn’t ban his work for being too normal or something.

  2. I thought I was old fashioned hiking and walking around with a walking cane – but it’s actually a ski pole. They make a great hiking stick. Enjoyed the music!

  3. Rest In Peace, Leon.

    I had the good fortune to see him at the Chestnut Cabaret in Philly back in the mid 80’s. At the same time I was into the Clash, Dead Kennedy’s and King Crimson, Leon’s versions of these classic American songs made a lasting impression.

    Here’s a favorite of mine – Shine On, Harvest Moon
    Try it with headphones.

    Thank you, Leon for sharing your music.

  4. Mr. Jellyroll baker – can’t get enough of that jelly!!!!!

    Good memories even though my wife thought I was crazy for liking him


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