RIP Ron Popeil – IOTW Report

RIP Ron Popeil

Ron Popeil Dies: Infomercial Pioneer, Pocket Fisherman Pitchman Was 86

18 Comments on RIP Ron Popeil

  1. MJA, I had ALL the RONCO shit.
    I actually caught fish with the Pocket Fisherman.
    Great for just off a dock, fishing the pylons.
    It really was quality stuff believe it or not!

    This was WAY before the internet, HGTV, etc.

    Everything advertised “as seen on TV”

    Good times!

  2. How many Popeil products were purchased as gifts but never used. I remember my uncle receiving one for a birthday gift and I doubt he had ever fished once his entire life.

  3. Maybe I should’ve used GLH on my bald head years ago and I would have a great looking full head of hair. Yeah sure, baloney and it sold for only $39.92. Ron Popeil sure made a fortune selling suckers shit that they really didn’t need. He was the ultimate huckster outside of being a politician.


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