RIP Roy Innis – IOTW Report

RIP Roy Innis

Roy Innis will forever have a place in my heart, no matter whatever else he did in life, because of him throwing Al Sharpton to the ground on the Morton Downey Jr. Show.

ht/ rob e.

22 Comments on RIP Roy Innis

  1. Didn’t know Roy. I know of Roy.
    His son Niger Innis is a conservative rock. I’ve spoken with Niger. A true patriot and a delight to meet. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    RIP Mr. Innis Peace be upon the Innis family. Courageous warriors all.

  2. Get a load of that fat fuck Sharpton. After that he started the Twyana Brawley scandal. Then he became a TV talking asshole. I haven’t seen much of him lately. Probably nursing a STD.

  3. Anyone else notice how QUIET Al Not-So-Sharpton was during the election? He knew Trump would call his saggy black ass out if he started jabbering like the donkey’s ass that he is. I guess he thinks it’s all clear to come out now. Boy. Are we all in for a tasty Trump tweet. 😎

  4. Speaking of civil rights leaders, today Rep. John Lewis(D), a renowned civil rights leader in his own right, tried to deny a president elect his civil rights by saying Donald Trump is not a “legitimate president”.
    Looks like Lewis has just become a house nigger.
    Lewis, it’s over, just go away, please.
    Have lost all respect for him now. Same for Songbird McStain.
    You’re old guys, hang it up.

  5. Long before Rush, Fox, or Breitbart there was only the Bob Grant radio show in NYC to bring some sanity to your day. And one of the highlights was the great Roy Innis frequent call ins. Roy was out there fighting the good fight all along. RIP.

  6. Read recently about Raymond Burr as Ironside. When the portly Mr. Burr tried to get out of the wheelchair after shooting a scene, he’d stand up and the wheelchair would stand with him.

    I noticed here that fat Albert had the same effect on the chair that was bearing his tonnage.

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