RIP Tyler – IOTW Report

RIP Tyler

Marilyn, a reader from the beginning (but rarely comments), has just lost her precious 9 year-old cat, Tyler. She has been sending some of her kitty pictures for the Sunday Critter post. The photo on the main page is Tyler from a photo I used just a few weeks ago.

This is her message she sent to me along with the above photo from when he was a kitten:

Lost him this past week, 9yrs old, never ever sick. Heart failure.

Now my heart breaks, like all those recently that have lost, Callie and Charlie.

31 Comments on RIP Tyler

  1. I would like to communicate with Marilyn, send her pictures of our little girl (about the same age and looks just like Tyler) and try to share some comforting words. Your friend Tyler was a blessing and God has so many more waiting for you.


  2. Marilyn–

    So very sorry to hear your news. Whenever one of my kitty friends died, my heart broke anew. Sending you strength during this difficult time…

  3. Orange Tabby’s are the Sweet Gentlemen of the Cat World.
    Sorry for you, and your loss, but today Tyler is leaping in the grass near the Rainbow bridge, waiting in the crowd of cats and dogs.

  4. Thank you Claudia, you are all so sweet. Thank you all, I don’t jump in too much on comments and had just started sending pics. I’ve been following since Obama days but was a bit shy to comment, you all seem so close, I felt I waited too many years to join in.
    Thank you all from my slowly mending broken heart.
    I do love the orange boys, and he was a happy slightly overweight darling, never bad, always happy.

    God Bless all of you for Palm Sunday tomorrow and always.

  5. Breathe. Clear throat, breathe again.

    @marilyn – not sure what to say at these times to make it ‘easier’ but!! We DID all see Tyler and other Critters since gone on this, ‘bar’ rail that we sit at and tell our stories to get comfort from.

    And if not for people like C and Critters Sunday, what would we do!

    Those orange Tabs always remind of the great Morris the Cat.

  6. Gosh, it hurts so much and you never forget them. Hugs to you shy Marilyn-you have many friends here who understand completely what you are going through. ❤️❤️

  7. Marilyn I am so sorry for your loss. Your Tyler reminds me of my ‘baby’ cat who is my best friend. I cherish our time together as I know you will always cherish the memory of your Tyler. My heart goes out to you now–but he will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you as I know he loves you too, still. That’s the power of love.

  8. Marilyn, I have 4 feral cats that a neighbor who moved away kinda sorta left (adopted) me. I have given them names like Fuzball, Squinty, Moma and Blackee. I have become quite attached to them and would be upset if anything happened to anyone of them. They don’t come in the house but show up 3~4 times a day on my porch expecting eats. I am sorry for your loss, but have found over the years that time passing by does/will dull the hurt. Cats can, and do touch hearts.

  9. I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s a terrible feeling.

    Just about a year ago I lost my beloved Beans. I planted a lovely flower garden over his grave and was weeding it today getting ready for spring. We talked a bit and I told him how much I missed him, but I’m glad I planted that little garden. And when the black eyed susans and day lilies come up they will remind me again of what a wonderful time we had together.


  10. I’m sorry to hear it. Jennifer and I have had cats for over 25 years. So many cats we have almost run out of names for them.

    They are almost like children. “Bear, I mean, Chewie, Cookie! Whatever the heck your name is! Quit being mean to Poopie!”

  11. Oh my, how generous you all have been.I wish I could respond to each and every one of you.

    I’ve been dragging home strays since I was 5, and I’m soon to be 65, so I have lost my share, but it is never ever easy. I’ve loved them all and remember each one.

    In time, I’ll try to give another poor thing a safer happier life.
    He was the youngest I’ve ever lost and with no warning what so ever. I still have a few buddies here to cheer me up, but they miss him too

    I thank you all for being so kind and thoughtful, and I wish you all a Blessed Easter while we’re all in lockdown.

    A side note, when I rushed him to emergency vet, had to call from car, could not go in because of all this craziness with the virus. Had to fill out form I was not sick or around anyone that was or had been out of country.
    Leave him, and they would call. Luckily I only live about 10 mins away. But did not get good news and had to let him go.
    On return visit, went through same thing, call from car, wait till they bring you in room. No people in waiting areas.
    I hope this ends soon, it is ridiculous.

  12. i just lost 2 in the span of 3 weeks. they were elderly- it was their time, as they say, but the loss doesn’t diminish. all mine are rescues and that i was able to give them lives full of love where they were safe- it means a lot. it’s this ray of compassion in the world and that’s what is important. cats have a way of finding their way to you when they need you most- or maybe when you need them most. love is energy- it can’t be eliminated even with leaving this world. you allowed another soul to leave here knowing love and compassion when quite easily they could have known neither. ( i also had to bring a cat with sniffles to the vet and had to go through the wait in your car BS.)

  13. Marilyn,

    One of the reasons we love our critters is because they do not go through the bullshit we go through, but yet they have their own things to worry about, like me and you to feed, cuddle and be concerned about them, if and especially when then they happen to get out.

    THEN, we freak out!

    Your Tyler sounds like one of those critters, but sounds more like he was what I call a ‘familiar’. There is a bond that is made and never broken.


  14. Marilyn, my heart aches for you. It’s so hard to lose our pets. Please stick around and comment sometimes. This is a great group of people, and some of us have met each other in person.


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