Rise of the Soywalker – IOTW Report

Rise of the Soywalker

23 Comments on Rise of the Soywalker

  1. funny, these soyboys have chased the police out of their precinct

    they must have the force behind them right?

    how many do you think you would have to drop before the rest ran home to mommy’s basement?

  2. I think the initial response to this whole CHAZ thing was oh this has to stop, we can’t let this go on. And then somebody tweeted out that “The homeless people stole our food. Send soy.”

    From that moment on it was like we’d found our dysfunctional version of The Truman Show.

    Look, I know this isn’t going to end well for… somebody. Not sure who at this point. Just somebody is going to get hurt and we all know it.

    But at the same time I agree with Dan Bongino yesterday when he was literally laughing so hard he was crying over their pathetic little garden. It’s like watching children play house.


  3. Wonder what the Roadrunner has prepared for the Coyote THIS time? Actually, that’s not right. The Roadrunner never sets up the Coyote. The Roadrunner never reacts to the Coyote. He also NEVER loses. And the Coyote…never wins!
    I can’t go to this gig, but man, would I donate gas money to someone who does.

  4. Gladys
    If Bikers for Trump were serious about making a move they’d do it NOW. And why in the hell would you announce it giving Seattle PoPo three weeks to get prepared for you? Stupid move if it’s true.

  5. You know who I haven’t heard anything from during this whole CHAZ theater of the absurd? The citizens of Seattle.

    Are they for it? Are they against, but have been muzzled by the alphabet letter propagandist media? Or are they just to timid to speak up?

  6. Just what the hell was that? Is this a ‘NAME THIS ACTIVITY OR LACK OF’ contest? Are we supposed to be impressed or hold back our laughter?

    And is someone telling me that THIS is what drove police and same people out of CHAZ? What the hell happened to all the training of police; all the equipment?

    Oh, never mind. Commie elected asswipe governor and mayor, vying for title of, “GREATEST DUMB ASS SCHMUCK OF HISTORY!”


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