Rittenhouse on the Stand – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse on the Stand


105 Comments on Rittenhouse on the Stand

  1. One thing that this trial is providing is that it is absolutely clear that the tech companies who colluded to suppress the truth regarding what happened that night as well as the fund raising websites who colluded with the government to attempt to prevent him from getting legal defense are guilty of violating the Constitution. I hope this sets up civil claims against both.

  2. The government officials and the tech companies colluded to suppress the truth and went out of their way to present a false narrative, then they colluded to prevent him from fund raising to provide for his defense

  3. I listened to a couple BLM/ANTIFA hangers on talking about this case this morning. Here is what a lot of people are missing, every Goddamned one of these cocksuckers who identify with the rioters have been living vicariously through the three assholes who got themselves shot that night. When Kyle shot their alter egos he shot them.

    I live close enough to Seattle that I get the fly on the wall’s view and to over hear their conversations and what they present themselves as to the general public is bullshit.

  4. That helped Rittenhouse.

    He isn’t a stone cold heartless killer, he’s a kid caught up in a situation he should have never been put into. He’s human and emotionally wrought that instead of helping people that night and protecting property he ended up having to protect himself with deadly force.

  5. I can’t believe they are having him testify. Robert Barnes has said he was worried about the jury- apparently they had consulted and decided to go their own route. He explained jury selection in many cases takes a few weeks and they did it in a day using a population of which 30% thought he was guilty.

  6. @ Dr. Tar NOVEMBER 10, 2021 AT 11:52 AM
    @ Anonymous NOVEMBER 10, 2021 AT 11:53 AM

    Nick Sandmann looked like to many people like a pompous jerk before they heard his side of the story, directly from him.

  7. I was watching the first part of it, had to turn it off so I didn’t see him break down. A lot of really interesting things were brought to light that I did not know and Social Medias doing a pretty damn good job of not exposing the facts. His father and Grandparents lived in Kenosha. So it’s not like he randomly drove over the state line. I’m thinking the defense felt this was the best way to get this out in the open.

  8. I think this is a calculated risk that may pay off. Most criminal defendants who testify on their own behalf have damaging conduct they try to explain away on the stand – this almost never works. However, Rittenhouse only has to testify as to the truth, and there seems little chance the prosecution will catch him in a lie on cross-examination.

    Jurors are told that the defendant does not have to testify, but many jurors want to hear from the defendant anyway. Furthermore, and despite the fact that the judge seems to have his priorities right, this is a politically charged proceeding and this factor may sway some jurors. All of the jurors had read or heard about this case prior to be selected for the jury, and the jury is not sequestered so there will likely be outside pressure on some of them. I don’t think defense counsel is out of bounds for swinging for the fence even though the count seems to be 3-0 and the bases are loaded.

  9. I was watching and it was remarkable. Anyone that thinks it was a mistake by the defense is wrong. Great kid that showed incredible restraint that night as well as compassion on the stand.

    He breaks down because he felt horrible having had to defend himself by killing people that were trying to kill him and commenters think that’s a bad move??

  10. Jdh, who is the shitbag you are referring to?

    I hope this move by the defense to have Kyle testify doesn’t backfire on them.

    The portion I saw had the Persecutor focusing on the guns purchase, setting up Kyle for a straw purchase BATFE violation.

  11. There are already grounds for a mistrial. Clear and obvious violation of the defendant’s Constitutional rights has already been violated. This trial is over as far as it being able to withstand future appeal.

  12. Who is the skinny asshole in the gray suit & glasses? The judge is ripping him a well deserved new one. Prosecution? Or defense? Either way, he’s an asshole, and the judge needs to find him in contempt and exclude him from the rest of the trial.

  13. The defense attorney is getting his ass chewed out. AGAIN. And just a couple days ago people here were arguing oh man, he is one slick lawyer, must be laying traps.

    He has fucked up numerous times. I can’t know what the jury will do but it’s obvious that Kyle is innovent.

  14. I really don’t mind when a defense lawyer uses anything they have to try and get a client off… it’s expected.
    But when a prosecutor does similarly, particularly to a 17 year-old, I find that my feelings are not quite the same.
    I’d like to throw this prosecutor off a building. He is acting like a scummy defense lawyer.

  15. By the way, if I ever have to push someone, attacking me, off the top of a building, in Kenosha, I am sure this scumbag will point to my last comment as proof that I am on top of that building just to push people off of it.

  16. The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

    Buck Henry, “The message here is don’t stand in the way of Biden voter rising up. It was the same message with the Mcloskey’s”

    Right on the money.

  17. I’m watching the prosecutor grill Kyle about what he said to the press and what he saw BEFORE the shooting. Doesn’t matter. The kid was chased, ended up on his back, and fired to protect himself.
    End of discussion.

  18. This worthless cocksucker of a prosecutor is making the case that to sit by and watch rioters and protesters burn the city down is A-OK with him and his fellow shitbag city elected and appointed officials.

  19. Mistrial? Other than keeping the lawyers wallets full I’m not sure a mistrial is such a good idea. Seems Kyle is in a good position right now, I wouldn’t want to risk new prosecutors that would be more competent than these two buffoons.

  20. “Under cross examination it came out that the detective had obtained a search warrant from a judge to seize and search the phone of one of the guys who had been shot and killed by Rittenhouse. But he never executed the warrant. The defense attorney asked him why, and then pointed to the prosecutor and asked the witness “did he tell you not to execute the search warrant on that phone?”

    The detective’s answer was “yes.”

    “So we have an admission that the prosecutor told the detective not to execute a search warrant on a phone that held possible exculpatory evidence, and I will also say I’ve never seen a defense attorney point to a prosecutor in a trial.”

    I missed this. If this is the case it’s more than a miss trial, it’s criminal.

  21. I often act like a hard ass and I can be a hard ass, but I’m female and I’m a Mom, him breaking down on the stand, all I could see was a kid being put in a position that most grown men and seasoned law enforcement couldn’t have handled being in. He was a scared ass kid believing his life was about to be taken and he’s right if he had not shot them they would have killed him.
    Killing someone is still not easy, especially for a kid. I just wanted to hug him and tell him it would be alright and my hard ass side wanted to dig all of these pieces of shit back up and beat the shit out of them along with these sorry ass cops and prosecutors in Wisconsin and all of these media assholes who for their political bullshit wanted to destroy a kid.

  22. There are two aspects to this trial have disturbed me.
    First, that a 17-year-old would be put into a situation where he’d have to shoot three people in the middle of a riot. The prosecution should have gone after who ever put the AR-15 in his hands and put him in Kenosha to protect property.
    Second, it seems from this trial that you don’t have the right to defend your property from destruction only the right to defend yourself (and I assume others) from eminent harm. So, when the police abandon your street to vandals determine to destroy as much property as possible you have no recourse other than to ask them politely, “please, do wreck my stuff.”

    150 years ago they’d hang a person for stealing a horse or rustling cattle. We’ve let ourselves get complacent and overly deferential to the deprivations of the mob.

  23. Dr.Tar, agreed.
    It’s what the left wants.
    They want to be able to riot in the suburbs without getting shot.
    They want to be able to burn, loot, riot against the well armed citizenry with legal impunity.
    It’s similar to blocking roadways as well.
    They keeping pushing the limit.
    Next riot cycle will result in a lot of death.

  24. We have a county prosecutor like that here in Nolackaloonies. Lifelong ardent (d), hates guns, hates gunowners (although I believe he is and has both) hates Motana’s Castle Doctrine, hates any political disagreement in any form and keeps getting elected – because Nolackaloonies…

  25. Dr TAR

    Anyone that owns a gun for self protection, even on your own property should take a CCW class even if you don’t intend on getting the permit. I swear, most public perception is if I find someone on my property stealing my shit I’ll just shoot them. They’ll go to jail too. For a long time. Kyle seems to understand the Penal Codes better than that Dick Head prosecutor.

  26. It’s also why they went after the McCloskeys.
    The left can shit on, graffiti, loot, burn, and INHABIT YOUR PROPERTY and you just have to allow it.
    It is amazing more assholes weren’t shot dead last summer.
    Sad really.
    More bullets to the brain of these bastards might turn shit around.

  27. It’s good Kyle testified. The jury and marxist media finally get to see that Rittenhouse is not a stone cold, heartless mercenary mowing down “protesters” for fun and profit.

    He is a kind, humble, smart well-spoken kid. He was just trying to be a conscientious, responsible person, helping out someone trying to protect their property when he was attacked by Antifa and FBI operatives.
    Of course, the left and compromised prosecution don’t want to see the truth.

    I love the way the awesome judge keeps ripping the idiot prosecutor a new one. Also, the jury may be too intimidated by the left for Rittenhouse to get a fair trial, despite the preponderance of evidence that proves he’s innocent. A miss trial may be the only way for Rittenhouse to obtain justice.

  28. @ 99th Squad Leader NOVEMBER 10, 2021 AT 4:31 PM

    A prosecutor is assumed to act as an advocate for justice, this asshole surely exposes that the assumption to be complete bullshit whenever a leftist prosecutor is involved

  29. JDHasty, so true. This “prosecutor” seems to be only interested in whatever political swamp advancement he’s been promised by doubling down on harrassing Rittenhouse.

    Miscarriage of justice is a means to an end for this Demwit, incompetent tool called a prosecutor. He doesn’t care about justice.

    Glad the judge is on top of his game. He’s great and appears to want real justice – an innocent verdict for Rittenhouse.

    Very concerned about the jury. They may be easily shaken by the leftist media. Hopefully, they will only focus on evidence that shows Kyle is innocent – without a doubt.

  30. The prosecutor was creating doubt as to why Rittenhouse ventured out on to the street – alone that night and ended up looking like a vulnerable target to criminal leftist thugs. I have yet to see or hear a good reason and it bothers me.

    This Dominic Black, Kyles “other brother” is mentioned in a lot of testimony leading up to the fateful night, but where was this close friend when Rittenhouse needed someone watching his back? Why wasn’t there someone with him if he was doing something important during the riot, like putting out fires? There would have been less of a chance the predators among the rioters would have sense an opportunity to murder but there’d be another witness and another gun to keep the bad guys at bay.

    I don’t like that he was out there alone and the prosecutor created doubt for me on his motives for doing it. He’s not going to get off Scott free, there are a number of endangerment charges and, of course, even a charge for disobeying the curfew. I don’t think they’ll get him on the 1st degree murder charges or the illegal weapons, but endangerment could be a real problem for Kyle.


  31. I was out all day and did not see Kyle’s testimony, but;

    “alone that night and ended up looking like a vulnerable target to criminal leftist thugs.”

    Isn’t this analogous to say blaming the woman that got assaulted at the bar because her dress was too tight or the college coed that went to a party and got drunk with a bunch of guys? Being “vulnerable” may be a by product of bad judgement or bad choices but in no way is it an invitation to be preyed on or attacked.

    “Why wasn’t there someone with him if he was doing something important during the riot, like putting out fires?”

    The day after the shooting we had a good discussion on this site and I posited the exact same thing, why weren’t they using the buddy system or why he did he separate from his buddies. Cutting himself away from the herd made him less safe. Was this discussed at all today, why he did this?

    “I don’t like that he was out there alone and the prosecutor created doubt for me on his motives for doing it.”

    How so? Was his motives discussed at all? Don’t we know why he was there? Since you “doubt” his motives, do you think he had evil or malicious intent that night, a motive to intentionally harm some one.

    “but endangerment could be a real problem for Kyle.”

    Can you flesh that out a bit? We can say that he used bad judgment in separating himself or bringing a firearm to a riot filled with crazed ANTIFA thugs but when you mention endangerment it somehow makes Kyle complicit, an instigator or initial mover in all the subsequent deaths, and I don’t think any of those deaths were his fault.


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