RNC to approve resolution that rejects the discredited and disgraced SPLC – IOTW Report

RNC to approve resolution that rejects the discredited and disgraced SPLC


It was reported today that the Republican National Convention (RNC) will approve a resolution that strips the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of their legitimacy in regards to identifying hate groups.

The concern of the RNC is that the SPLC only identifies “hate groups” on the conservative side of the spectrum and ignores hate on the leftist side.

The SPLC has created a “hate map,” in fact, that maps hateful organizations across the country. The list can be filtered by ideology, as well as location, and those hateful ideologies include: anti-muslim, black separatist, Christian identity, general hate, hate music, Holocaust denial, Ku Klux Klan, male supremacy, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, neo-Volkisch, racist skinhead, radical traditional Catholicism, and white nationalist.


18 Comments on RNC to approve resolution that rejects the discredited and disgraced SPLC

  1. This resolution only brings attention to them, elevates them as somehow legitimate. This is like a resolution against Media Matters. All clear-thinking folks know they are paid political stooges for the DNC, ignore them.

    As for the RNC convention, I would like them to be the polar opposite of what the DNC gave us. The Dems gave us nothing on policy, nothing on anything unifying or uplifting whatsoever, it was all, “Orange Man Bad” for 4 days, pitiful. We can do better; highlight all Trump’s accomplishments, that could take 4 days alone. And if the other side is even mentioned, show footage of the smoldering cities, the rioting, and looting, the gargantuan racial divide that Obama left us, the lawlessness that envelopes big Dem run cities. Talk about how American ingenuity will lick this China virus, then we can all get back to work and experience an explosion of economic prosperity.

  2. Rich Taylor — I see your point about perhaps elevating the splc to legitimacy, but it may also suffer from the sunshine treatment. So much about the myths of the Democrat party are on peoples’ minds right now. With Larry Elder’s hit documentary “Uncle Tom” fresh on the lips of those who havve seen it — so many! — bringing up the splc, and other “Civil Rights” groups spawned by the Dems in the early years of that movement, and exposing them in terms of what they are really doing today, may be a very good thing indeed.

    The NAACP, for example, has always been highly regarded by most Americans as a benevolent organization, championing the betterment of American blacks. We all know “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Who on earth would argue against that? But today’s NAACP bears no resemblence to its origination.

    Maybe by looking closer at what we thought we knew about these organizations will reveal the Left’s using them as a front for their nefarious agenda.

  3. AbigailAdams, exposing them as hate-mongering leftists is definitely a good thing, and I think a lot of that was done in the Congressional hearings the last few weeks when the CEO’s of Twitter, Facebook, and Google had to explain why they use the SPLC as filters, but I don’t think the RNC convention is the place for it. Just my opinion obviously but if resolutions are being made, make them in favor of protecting the unborn, for the nuclear family, for individual responsibility, for law and order and backing the police, for austerity and prudence in governmental actions, and reiterating Reagan’s message of the shining light on the hill where all Americans can prosper and live a good life dependent only on each’s determination and hard work. This is what 4 more years of Trump will bring us.

  4. BB — Haven’t heard that, but the day is early, right?

    At this point I have every hope that just as their other schemes have been (not) working for them, this too will backfire on them. It’s not surprising this FBI under Wray, and the Deep State within all our national security agencies would attempt to discredit us (in all our forms).

    Just read today — here? — that one word was completely absent from the commie Dems’ convention: “impeachment.” Interesting, huh?

  5. Another theme I hope every speaker hits,” Joe, you can’t hide in your basement until November. The people demand that you debate Trump. Don’t be a coward by listening to your advisors who want you to hide and have no confidence in you surviving. Prove to us that you are fit to hold the office that you aspire to.”

  6. Ask Morris Dees’ ex wife about his abuse and where he hides the millions given to his organization, headquartered in Montgomery, Ala w/bank accts offshore in the Caribbean. He has been slime for a long time.

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