Rob Schneider Talks About When He Knew SNL Was Done For Good – IOTW Report

Rob Schneider Talks About When He Knew SNL Was Done For Good

Watch Rob sing with his daughter Elle King (X’s and O’s)

9 Comments on Rob Schneider Talks About When He Knew SNL Was Done For Good

  1. Awful lot of Rob’s compatriots from those years at SNL have turned out to be quiet righties or bold righties like Dennis Miller and Norm.

    Who watches SNL anymore? Any Adam Sandler or Eddie Murphy superstars on there? Does the current cast appreciate what WAS funny-the great skits in the 70’s and 80’s? They’ve missed out on great material (besides Trump) but it’s off limits since they drank the blue KoolAid. Dummies.

  2. Bill Murray was never ever really funny just a sad human being. If Lorne Michaels thought that SNL died with that sad excuse for a comedian he would of ended SNL! Furthermore SNL is more than just one lonely person!

  3. They went to Shit way before that but I really agree with the “Please there there be a joke.”

    I loved him in Deuce Bigelow II when he was making Fun Of Canadians visiting Europe In Hockey Jerseys Pissing/Crapping In the streets. I’m still laughing.


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