Grindr is a gay sex site.
A new book available in a Tampa middle school encouraged kids to go on adult sex apps and showed graphic sexual content. I spoke at the Hillsborough School Board meeting tonight to tell them we won’t stand for this.
— Will Witt (@thewillwitt) August 31, 2022
God Almighty, that school board is mentally and spiritually sick.
10 years ago: “We don’t want your children, we just want to get married”
Today: We want to sexualize, convert, castrate and mutilate your kids!
Uhm, why isn’t the school board served with arrest warrants for pushing this book on children? Seriously. Why?
These school board members and teachers who are obsessed with talking sex acts and showing sex acts to children used to be known as pedophiles.
They’re getting their jollies grooming kids.
Incest is something else they want to push. This is a book that was found in an Oklahoma school library.
BTW it’s actually quite humorous in Oklahoma to listen to the teachers, administrations, unions, PTA(even it has been taken over by leftists) and school boards(although some have been flipped) throw temper tantrums.
They do not like the new CRT laws, they do not like the new laws where kids must have a notarized statement of their sex at birth to play sports, nor the laws that say boys must use boys’ bathroom.
Two schools so far have been disciplined for CRT, one because they made their teachers go to training on CRT and the other for a teacher conducting “cross the line.” You can look up videos for that online, it’s basically trying to prove if you’re white you’re privileged. The video of this teacher doing it, you could hear kids asking why are all the questions about being white and race?
Two teachers I know of quit, that teacher and an English teacher who put brown paper over the bookcases in her room and writing all books banned then gave kids a QR code for banned books. When her school told her she couldn’t do that and if she did it again she would be suspended she quit saying she couldn’t teach English with these new laws.
More are threatening to quit because of who won the State Superintendent primary. It wasn’t their candidate who was a Superintendent of a school that allowed a coach for years to continue molesting boys. He was finally charged last year.
I’m good with them all quitting and all the schools being shut down. They got their raise after striking. I sent e-mails and made phone calls to many of the idiots in the legislature at the time and told them they were ignorant if they gave into their demands because of their temper tantrums and they would come back demanding more which they still are. More money didn’t help, 51% of the state budget, as test scores went down even farther.