‘Robert Mueller Leaked Firing Story 2 Hours After Bombshell Texts Were Released’ – IOTW Report

‘Robert Mueller Leaked Firing Story 2 Hours After Bombshell Texts Were Released’

CFP: Nice work from Liz Harrington yesterday. Clip is set to begin at 48-second mark. She kicks it up a notch at 3:38, so it’s worth watching the whole thing.

Washington Free Beacon reporter Liz Harrington notes the odd timing of the leaked Mueller story, noting it came just two hours after Grassley reported that FBI agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page were worried that they were going to hard on Hillary Clinton during the email probe.

Lisa Page said, “One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?”

“Just as all the text messages are coming out to expose that, now what is the media jumping onto?  A six-month-old story which they already had practically reported that Trump considered firing Mueller. But the fact is, he didn’t fire Mueller.”  WATCH HERE


15 Comments on ‘Robert Mueller Leaked Firing Story 2 Hours After Bombshell Texts Were Released’

  1. The hosts of these so-called “news” shows drive me crazy. Their contributor drops a bombshell on them and they end the segment with “Well, that was interesting, wasn’t it? I guess it gives us all something interesting to think about, doesn’t it?”

    Varney just did it on FBN this morning. He brought up the story of the CA teacher who compared the U.S. military to pimps and asked his students, “Who wants to be a ho?”. He put up the transcript of the video and the video itself, then asked his contributor what he thought about it. The guy lamented how disappointed he was in the teacher. Varney ended by saying, “Well, that’s interesting, isn’t it? It gives us all something interesting to think about, doesn’t it? Now let’s turn to sports.”

  2. Most thinking Americans recognize the bullshit tossed at them from the “news.” It’s the lofo assholes in pussy hats that continue to wail and gnash their teeth with every nothingburger offered to them.

  3. I first heard of this “Trumpstruction of Justice” at 7:30 that morning on Hugh Hewitt, when one of his MSM buddies mentioned it in response to a question about an unrelated matter by Hewitt. It was so obvious that this New Constitutional Crisis Talking Point was being disseminated as far and wide as possible by the MSM.

    To Hugh’s credit, he didn’t bite, but I think that was only because, as a competent attorney who’d actually worked in government, he knew it was just cotton candy for cretins, and he didn’t want that sticky shit on his shirt. Reading the troll comments on other sites about this squirrel, I just have to laugh.

    But now I hear that RINO’s in Congress are trying to legislate something out of their asses to prevent Trump from firing poor persecuted Mueller. Gotta be Fake News right? Please say yes.

  4. I think playtime should be over. Mueller and the deep state have had a year since Trump was inaugurated to find something, and apparently they have ungatz. They did find stuff on the donkeys, but they don’t want to act on that nor does the media want to report it.

    I anticipate that Trump will take the initiative soon after giving the donkeys ample time to do their stuff. CNN can them take a break and go back to reporting on missing airlines.

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