Rod Stewart Does Something Idiotic – IOTW Report

Rod Stewart Does Something Idiotic

While videoing in a Dubai desert, a clip that was uploaded to Stewart’s Instagram page shows him reenacting a Muslim-style beheading.

Stewart compounds his idiocy by denying he’s acting out a Jihadi John murder and saying he was role playing a Game of Thrones moment.

Ya, sure.

Rod Stewart’s question for the ages was “Do you think I’m sexy?”

No. I think you’re an a$$hole. Just admit your mistake, we’re not stupid.

Stewart fans and his inner circle are saying that the people offended are the stupid ones.

27 Comments on Rod Stewart Does Something Idiotic

  1. He was virtue signaling. Or something.
    His best days were when he was in the Jeff beck group, prior to Python Lee Jackson and his abysmal solo career.

    Rodney!!! I wish I’d never seen your face!

  2. Saw him fronting Jeff Beck in 1969. The Faces were great with him and Ron Wood. First time I heard Maggie May, he ws dead to me. (FWIW same thing happened to Led Zeppelin with Stairway to Heaven.)

  3. True or not, ever since I read about him many years ago passing out at a concert and was taken to the hospital where he had his stomach pumped and they found a great deal of sperm in it, I can’t look at his face nor can I listen to his music….

  4. Rod Stewart Does Something Idiotic In Character


    @Moxie Man – I also saw him with Beck in ’69, opening for them was Janis Joplin and Big Brother. Great show! Alexandria (VA) Roller Rink of all places.

  5. ” Offending Lyrics:

    All you did was wreck my bed and in the morning kick me in the head You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone You stole my heart I couldn’t leave you if I tried. I suppose I could collect my books and get back to school.

    What It’s Saying:

    This song’s been a staple of soft rock stations for years and seems like a pretty standard kind of a mind-gelatinizing love song, until you start wondering why Rod’s singing about going back to school and maybe going home to his parents one day.

    Who knows why Rod Stewart does anything?

    The line about being lured away from home clinches the deal. Maggie is a lonely, lecherous old sex offender who apparently steals little boys with terrible haircuts, fucks them mercilessly and destroys their beds in the process. ”

    From Cracked.

  6. It makes no sense to me. I don’t get the complaint…
    He’s living alone and she wrecks his bed and he thinks about going home…
    but then they’re saying Maggie is schtupping him in his parents home ?
    No sense.

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