Rogan on the Media’s Flip-Flop on Ukraine – IOTW Report

Rogan on the Media’s Flip-Flop on Ukraine

Joe Rogan slammed the legacy media’s coverage of Ukraine, pointing out that it did a complete reversal of its coverage of the country prior to the war, whitewashing all of its issues.- I.M. Cheong

4 Comments on Rogan on the Media’s Flip-Flop on Ukraine

  1. @Zep Dyson March 22, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    > The west’s unquestionably support is because there being blackmailed.

    Because everybody being on the same team, is too complicated?

  2. “Because everybody being on the same team, is too complicated?”

    No, because human beings don’t act that way. Do you really think that Bill Gates and George Soros are willing to share with each other?!! One will allow the other to tell them what to do? I realize that this idiocy gets often repeated but it is as if you have never met a human being.


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