Rolling Blackouts Across the East Brings “Equitable Distribution” to Electricity Customers for Christmas – IOTW Report

Rolling Blackouts Across the East Brings “Equitable Distribution” to Electricity Customers for Christmas

From Pennsylvania and New Jersey, westward to Illinois and Ohio and all the way south into South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and beyond, power companies are turning off the electricity to preserve and equally distribute the minimal amount of energy they are able to generate.

This my friends, is the “equitable distribution of misery.”  Energize

25 Comments on Rolling Blackouts Across the East Brings “Equitable Distribution” to Electricity Customers for Christmas

  1. Anonymous December 25, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    Welcome to the third world.

    I know people who hightailed it out of CA for greener pastures of Missouri, Tennessee, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho to escape politics. Wonder how they like freezing and being political pawns. Not all that glitters is gold.

  2. Brad’s right.
    All the rich, moron lefties I know have automatic, diesel backup generators built into their homes. They don’t know how they work so they pay some company hundreds of dollars per year to do annual maintenance and checkups on them.
    They also never say anything about the black smoke that emanates from the exhaust when they run…

  3. I have a 2.4kw gasoline portable generator in my garage just in case. On Friday the power shut off twice for a few seconds so I pulled out the generator, filled it with fresh gas and fired it up for a test run. Then I drove to the gas station and filled up my two gas cans (just in case). In a small area just up the road from me the power was out for 36 hours (Friday and Saturday) with temps in the single digits.

  4. True Story™

    Lived at a semi-desert location for a long time
    I remember a time when the power went out often
    Almost every 5, 10, 15 or so minutes at a time
    Really messed with the Hard Drives

    Took a whole summer to figure that one out
    Somedays zero Somedays Multiple Days at a time zero
    But then somedays became hourly or more or less
    No WX
    No Factory Glitch
    Just this one Summer

    Some clues overlooked early became hard to ignore later
    When ashes build up.
    Which is very funny to me because an almost exact thing happened in another place but that time it had to do with water, but thats not this story.

    Sometimes the power outs were due to easily identifiable sources.
    Usually a rattlesnake that crossed two poles
    That was often the case that summer
    But there were the unaccountable ones
    Where the ash slowly built up
    It turns out there was a very large Tarantula population that year.
    Spiders carry just enough water and will conduct enough to turn to dust in a flash.
    That’s what happened that one summer of lost files.

    End True Story™

    Merry Christmas IOTW

  5. Power Supplies, that sounds like the stuff we had to deal with in DC in the telco… well, anywhere that had aerial lead splices and/or lead sheathed aerial. The Gott darn squirrels chewed on the lead. They didn’t do it every year… but some years we were attacked by squirrels, and some years not.

  6. Maybe they were antifa squirrels? We never figured it out. We would wrap the busted lead with that self-vulcanizing tape that smelled like death… not “shit tape”, that was friction tape. Bell friction tape smelled like dookie. This self vulcanizing shit had a leader you had to pull off. And WOE to the motherfucker who was too slow.

  7. Jethro

    Out here they run on Natural Gas. I put one in a couple months ago. We live on high ground. The power went out a couple weeks ago in the evening for about ten minutes. 50 percent of the houses around us were still lit up. Possibly a poor fuel source.

  8. That’s the problem with LP. Power goes out you gets nothing. This is why I always talk my nonsense about hand fired coal burners. I burn coal. Electricity doesn’t matter with 1850s heating.

  9. “That’s the problem with LP. Power goes out you gets nothing”
    LP come out of a bottle or a metal canister. Natural Gas is delivered via utility pipe line. And continues to be delivered even during a power outage.

    Further more I’ve been wrenching on hot rods since Christ was a kid. WTF is a tic over? I can only guess RPM at an idle.

  10. The valve that feeds the burners is electrical. The purge cycle before burn is electrical. The hot surface ignitor is electrical. The air handler is electrical. The purge cycle after the burn is electrical.

    Get all the LP on earth and you can’t burn it.

  11. Natural gas or propane powers the engine that feeds the generator to make electricity….What am I missing?….It could be a gasoline or diesel engine, a PTO mounted generator on a gas or diesel tractor….WTF are you arguing about?….wind powered? solar powered batteries?….WTF…

  12. If you live in any area that has the disasters we’ve experienced over the years, then you age prepared. I have the means to prepare because I BUDGETED AND PLANNED. There’s a story out there that’s been popular throughout the years, it’s titled “The Grasshopper and the Ant.” It’s one of Aesop’s Fables. The story sums up sums up moral lessons about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future. If someone is rich and can afford luxuries, we’d do the same if we were afforded the opportunity. I have a generator, it’s just prudent.


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