Ron DeSantis Defends Himself Over What FAKE NEWS MEDIA Said Was A Racist Comment – IOTW Report

Ron DeSantis Defends Himself Over What FAKE NEWS MEDIA Said Was A Racist Comment

DC: Republican Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida fired back Wednesday, defending himself against media sources that attributed racial motivation to comments he made about his gubernatorial challenger, Tallahassee Democratic Mayor Andrew Gillum.

“The last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state,” DeSantis said on Fox New’s “America’s Newsroom.”

DeSantis faced backlash mere hours after winning his state’s Republican nomination after the comment was misconstrued to seemingly refer to his opponent’s race.

Most notably was CNN’s out-of-context headline Florida GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Says A Vote For His Black Opponent Would “Monkey This Up”, which ostensibly seized upon the incident.

“[The comment] has zero to do with race,” DeSantis said on Fox News’s “Hannity.” “It has everything to do with whether we want Florida to continue to go in a good direction, building off the success, or do we want to turn to left-wing socialist policies which will absolutely devastate our state.”  MORE

34 Comments on Ron DeSantis Defends Himself Over What FAKE NEWS MEDIA Said Was A Racist Comment

  1. That is going to be the socialist’s entire campaign.
    Rush is using the terms, “monkey it up” and “call a spade a spade” as often as he can. LOL!
    Should I be offended next time someone calls McDonald’s, “Micky D’s”?
    BFH, you guys should run a post asking for all the terms that can possibly be used as racist of bigoted. Like, “Black as tar” or “CowBOYS & Indians”.

  2. It’s called politics. What both venturaguy and BadBrad said.

    First time they nominate a black guy for Senate, you don’t kick off the general by imploring everyone not to monkey things up.

    That will be used against him from here on out and if he still wins then everybody who voted for him will be tarred by that comment.

    He can split hairs all he wants. It was just stupid on its face.

    When you want to win a big race, you don’t switch the story to your love of the word “niggardly” and how people just don’t get how valid it is.

  3. The wounded souls who are screaming in agony are not voting for him anyway. Events will overtake this fart-crisis in a few hours. A month ago, we were told that Jim Jordan was a goner. Keep on truckin’ Ron.

  4. I’m constantly impressed with how the msm can create a scandal out of anything- this time it is a common phrase. Silly me- I had thought that if you gave 100 monkeys typewriters they would eventually write Shakespeare. Nope. They are writing fake news sensations like this. And people want more.

  5. Obama laid out a trap. Who can resist the lure of him saying monkey and not chuckle.

    You’re right. I’m convinced now. He should just embrace it and double down.

    Maybe draw up some campaign posters.

    DeSantis 2018: We Don’t Monkey Around. This one’s for all the bananas.

    What? I can’t say bananas? Everyody loves bananas.

    If a win is all that matters, this does not help in that effort.

    Strategically, you’re entering a minefield as soon as you are having to justify the context of your racially tinged comments than talking about your agenda for the future.

  6. @bill August 30, 2018 at 2:07 pm

    > Politicians; where are the best and brightest to represent us.

    Even the middling and mediocre can’t swear an oath to The Party, and represent the peasantry.

  7. Ron DeSantis said absolutely nothing wrong. There is nothing to defend. WTF? If “monkey” has to go the way of “Guerilla,” “Niggardly,” “gay,” “queer”; all perfectly legitimate English words, what’s the world coming to? This is pure leftist, permanently offended, horseshit. Nothing less.
    BTW. Is Craftsman and Tooltown going to have to “defend” or “apologize” for their line of monkey wrenches?

  8. Looks like one time RNC mouthpiece, RINO Michael Steele is trying to monkey up Ron DeSantis’ run for Governor,in favor to the socialist.
    Steele was never the sharpest knife in the drawer.
    Thank you Anonymous.


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