Ron Desantis: Special Counsel Will Be Appointed After We Release FISA Memo – IOTW Report

Ron Desantis: Special Counsel Will Be Appointed After We Release FISA Memo

Via Citizen Free Press.

22 Comments on Ron Desantis: Special Counsel Will Be Appointed After We Release FISA Memo

  1. This story is pure fantasy and an attempted cover up of Trump’s collusion with Russia, his racism, and grabbing pussy (hats). A ludicrous attempt to distract the country from the real issue of Trump’s pending impeachment. (breaking news on NPR, I’m not making this up)

    I listen to NPR so you don’t have to.

  2. My hopes aren’t set too high with visions of perp walks and long Federal prison terms. Maybe a few are prosecuted but most will get a wrist slap and maybe forced out{with full retirement benefits}.
    I hope I’m wrong but we’ll see.

  3. They have gone through the trouble of rigging a primary, rigging the general, commissioning a dossier to rig a FISA warrant, frag Sessions into recusing himself, appointing a prosecutor who is eyeball deep with Russia, have committed an armed SWAT raid on a presidential advisor, and is shaking down others for mere process violations.

    No, they are not done fighting back. Their lives and careers depend on seeing this to the end. Trump may not be paranoid enough.

  4. TO organgrinder
    You left out one other possibility:
    cyanide tablets so the guilty parties never get held accountable in court and make martyrs of themselves.

    DON’T discount that.

  5. It’s to the point where except for President Trump and a handful of his true collaborators, I absolutely despise the federal government down to its every individual parasite.

  6. TO organgrinder
    Actually, no. If they kill themselves, they merely “disappear.”

    There would be no public court proceedings to document the facts of their crimes, allowing the Dems/enemy to claim all following revelations to be “lies.”

    As dead, they would be heralded in the press as victims and heroes.

    There would be no repeated hammering into the heads of Americans about how evil their sedition and treason was.

    No, I say: MAKE THE REST OF THEIR LIVES A LIVING HELL…for the benefit of the rest of us Americans.

  7. Unravel we must! The champagne is on ice. The beer is getting cold. If nothing happens today, at least we can call this a practice celebration. It’s going to happen. Lordy!

  8. @Czar of Defenestration January 29, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    > Actually, no. If they kill themselves, they merely “disappear.”

    > There would be no public court proceedings to document the facts of their crimes, allowing the Dems/enemy to claim all following revelations to be “lies.”

    > As dead, they would be heralded in the press as victims and heroes.

    You seem to not only accept, but demand, the taking of prisoners as an option. It’s only “reprisals” if you stop for a sammich.

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