Ronald Reagan- “Liberals Will Use Medicine/Medicare as a Foot in the Door Toward Full Bore Socialism” – IOTW Report

Ronald Reagan- “Liberals Will Use Medicine/Medicare as a Foot in the Door Toward Full Bore Socialism”

See Pelosi squirm–>

10 Comments on Ronald Reagan- “Liberals Will Use Medicine/Medicare as a Foot in the Door Toward Full Bore Socialism”

  1. So, who were the worst Presidents of all time? Obama and Carter, you say? Here’s my vote:

    1. Franklin Roosevelt
    2. Lyndon Johnson

    Look at their legislative records. They read like a giant wrecking ball against our Constitution.

  2. @Jimmy – “…So, who were the worst Presidents of all time? Obama and Carter, you say? Here’s my vote:…”

    Sorry, but the only reason that Obama isn’t #1 is that the democrat/”mainstream” media covered his ass. He was/is a full blown communist, who’s goal was to “fundamentally transform” America into a communist country.

    He was incorrectly labeled “incompetent”, when in fact he knew exactly what he was doing. He should be prosecuted for treason, but alas he is black and protected by the race card.

  3. Just for nothing I googled how many people work in the insurance industry. Found roughly 505,000 would lose their jobs due to these dem scumbags. What the heck, I am sure they could all find jobs flipping burgers, no?

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