Rosie O’Donuts says Trump is mentally unstable and there is less than 3 weeks to stop him – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Donuts says Trump is mentally unstable and there is less than 3 weeks to stop him

How is anyone supposed to stop him?

Is she calling for an assassination?

Rosie O’Donnell calls Trump ‘mentally unstable’ on Twitter and warns America that there are ‘less than three weeks to stop him’


29 Comments on Rosie O’Donuts says Trump is mentally unstable and there is less than 3 weeks to stop him

  1. The left is actually afraid of Trump. What is it they know?
    How could they know anything about him?
    I’ve seen him on tv for years and I know nothing about him. Except the basics.
    From his biography but that’s it. He has never held office.
    Why would you want someone dead when you really don’t know anything about him?
    They are scared to death tho. Man that is really strange.
    This to me is proof the people on the left are mentally ill.
    Trump is either going to be the best president ever or the worst depending on your
    political viewpoint.
    At least it isn’t that crazy bitch HRC.

  2. It isn’t Trump they fear as much as the citizens who put him in office. WE are what they truly loathe because we are the real threat. Trump only represents us. WE are the uncontrollable obstacles that must be overcome or removed.

  3. The left is afraid because they know the game has changed. They know they’re not playing against the Washington Generals any longer. Trump doesn’t understand his job is to “cave” like the chicken-hearted Republicans have been trained to do.

  4. Yep, everybody knows if you write in all caps you’re mentally unstable, know who else Tweets in all caps, Cher, Oprah, Kanye.
    That’s enough evidence for me.

  5. Ze subject is exhibiting vun of ze vorst manifestations of projection I haf seen in my entire career. Immediate confinement in an accredited lunatic asylums is highly indicated

  6. ‘Stop’ him, how? What are you implying, Rosie? We put up with eight long years of the community organizer – you will surely survive a Trump administration.

  7. I believe that most humans are evil enough on their on to afford Satan a nice long vacation; just a gentle nudge every now and then for an amusing sequence of envy, lust, anger or pride is all that’s required on behalf of the Dark Angel to keep things interesting.

    Sexual perverts are a different story. I think there is a type of Satanic obsession or possession because this sin attacks the very image of God in whom we are created. Because these people allow themselves to be defined by their perversion, they hysterically reject any change in their political fortune which affects their deviant sexual activity being accepted as normative, mainstream behavior. They manifest a rage that is not concomitant with the alleged offense. No one is proposing to stop them from practicing their vile proclivities (I feel we should bring back the old fashioned sexual offense laws). Just the very notion that they may be viewed as undesirable is enough to send them into paroxysms of fury.

    Rosie O’Lickme is the poster child for such twisted demonstrations.

    And this extends to any stoppage or set back of our Nation’s Satanic cultural adjustment that offends progressives. Arrested three, four, two dozen times? How dare you ask any questions on an employment application! Never had a job and no intention of getting one since welfare is keeping you going? Of course we’ll sell you a house and have the taxpayer foot the bill!

    Come on Trump. The 20th can’t come too soon.

  8. Actually she IS calling for an assassination attempt, only when some delusional bastard tries it, she’ll fall back on “It was a Joke!”
    I pray for the brave men and women protecting Mr. Trump and family.
    Liberals, you have very little time to UnF*ck yourselves because those of us who actually put a shoulder to the wheel to make this a functioning civilization are getting real tired of your shit

  9. This is another case of a hostile has-been celebrity voicing their unwanted opinion. Like all the others she will have a net negative effect for her cause. Keep yapping Rosie!

  10. If she really believed what she is saying, she wouldn’t be saying it. She would be keeping her donut hole shut, and moving somewhere willing to tolerate obese talentless shrews.

    Maybe Amy Schumer would be her new neighbor?

  11. Their perverted world view came to a crashing halt on Nov. 8. Regardless of the awesome power of the media, regardless of the massive voter fraud perpetrated and protected by the Dept. of Justice, regardless of the millions of illegals voting, regardless of Corporate America backing the socialists, regardless of all that shit – America STILL chose to remain AMERICA!
    Think about it! Socialism is utterly triumphant in Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, Central America, Central Asia, India, Indonesia, EVERY MAJOR (and most minor) CITY IN THE UNITED STATES – AND THEY STILL GOT THEIR ASSES HANDED TO THEM!

    The fix was in! A done deal! CHEB! at the least, HRC at the most!

    Their fucking heads are spinning like tops, unable to focus on anything but their misery – and the sense that their “entitlement” has been snatched away by a bunch of ignorant rubes! Mr. Trump isn’t even sworn in, yet, and they’re pissing their pants! Their bowels are loose and the world is dizzy and confusing to them. Sorta like a “super-flu.”
    Oh, and add to that the fact that they weren’t entirely rational to start with, and you get some idea of how fucked-up they are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. This 400lb. blob of slug snot is completely irrelevant to anything of use to the civilized world, so why is she/he/it even recognized as a part of humanity? Congealed pus.

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