Roy Moore Up 8 Points – IOTW Report

Roy Moore Up 8 Points

According to a new poll released by the Alabama-based Cygnal polling firm, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has an eight-point lead over former Clinton U.S. Attorney Doug Jones in a contest for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.

6 Comments on Roy Moore Up 8 Points

  1. I love how the GOPe keeps warning that candidates like Moore will cost them the House or Senate.

    Like they earned them or something and people voted for their great track record.

    They need a cluebat to beat them around the neck and shoulders. The Republican Party won nothing. Actively campaigned against their own presidential candidate. The RNC interfered in the primaries for squishy liberal candidates.

    Moore has conviction in his beliefs where they have none.


    RINOs shaking in their boots that voters want actual Republicans, not their sorry asses.

    How soon will it be before a RINO sobs to the media, “It just isn’t my party anymore. I thought we had an inclusive big-tent, but now the party has left me, and I can no longer be a part of it”, (*sniff sniff, sob, quiver lip).

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