Rudy Giuliani Drops Name of Primetime Republican Host Who Refused Share Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani Drops Name of Primetime Republican Host Who Refused Share Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence

During an interview with Newsmax over the weekend, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani revealed that he gave Hunter Biden’s laptop to prominent Republicans who refused to report on it.

The comments were shocking to say the least considering the information was available in 2019 but several conservative news outlets failed to report on it despite having the evidence.

The names of these Republicans include John Solomon, Sean Hannity and Mike Pompeo.

14 Comments on Rudy Giuliani Drops Name of Primetime Republican Host Who Refused Share Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence

  1. Sean Hannity showed his true colors as a Covid coward living in NYC and calling on the radio for Coof tyrants to test his neighbors in his building on entry and deny them access to their own homes should there be any danger that their foul peasant breath should taint his precious penthouse air.

    Also he said the obviously fraudulent elections were legit and shouted down anyone who questioned the Pedo’s installment.

    Sean Hannaty is a blowhard turncoat lying cowardly asshole.

    Fuck that guy.

  2. We’re watching the elite in Washington break rules, break laws, selling out to enemy countries, steal elections, we all know it’s happening, yet they suffer absolutely NO negative repercussions.

  3. I also dislike Hannity. To the extent that when I watched FOX I would never watch his show and if in the car, I would change the radio station when his show comes on in late afternoon at the local FOX affiliate, 92.5.

    I would hope it’s obvious that I am not defending him but it’s important to understand that he has a master that he has to answer to. Maybe he would like to talk about the laptop and maybe he wouldn’t but one thing is certain and that is that the powers that be at FOX have forbidden him to talk about it.

    If you’re still watching their programming, stop. Direct your ire at the root cause of the problem not at the results.

  4. Solomon got his warning at the Old Executive Office Bldg.
    He probably figured the next step was a heart attack or a suicide.

    It’s tough to stand up to homicidal maniacs, treasonous dogs, and rabid skunks.
    Dangerous, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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