Ruining The Common Shoe – IOTW Report

Ruining The Common Shoe

What the hell happened to athletic shoes?

*Adult Language*

16 Comments on Ruining The Common Shoe

  1. Yep. #SidelineRacism etched on $250+ sneaks is bound to heal racial division, if enough athletes follow suit….said no one ever.

    Hey I have the winning combination…

    How ’bout that Kapernick? Beats living the remainder of yer life on yer knees.

  2. We wore Keds as kids and good ‘ol Chuck Taylor’s for me. Geesh even CT Converse set me back $50-80 a couple years ago!

    Oh gosh – why am I still awake???!!!!!

  3. Yeah, the NBA and the NFL, boy those are such racist organizations. They barely have any black players, and those that are black are still paid minimum wage. What a bunch of whiners. WRT to the shoes, that is a good rant from Gavin, I expect you probably have to go online (eg Zappos) for better selection. Old guys like Gavin and me don’t go to Sports Authority and I expect the kids today love yellow and orange and chartreuse and deep blue shoes. We used to have white, or navy, and we thought we were styling.

  4. New Balance cross trainers for the gym, $50 at the local discount shoe place. Lasts at least 2 years. CAT steel toed boots for work, $65 at the local work wear place. They get better the more they are worn, IMO. (We wear them for when we engineers go out to the production floor) and at home – sandals with socks, much to my wife’s disappointment. For church I have a pair of Clark’s dress shoes ($$$) and a 2nd pair of snake skin shoes that I hardly wear (also $$$).

  5. @DJM. You lost me at socks/sandals. I’m with your wife on that one. 😉
    My husband has never attempted that. Another rule: no pant waist shall settle between nipple and naval.

  6. $250 shoes paid by drug dealers living on the taxpayer. They all live in subsidized/free housing, get free medical, pay no property taxes toward their sub-standard education and get EBT cards for all the Pepsi and Doritos they can consume.

    Time to legalize drugs so these parasites pay some taxes.

  7. I can’t get a pair of plain white sneakers anywhere near me. I ask for plain white shoes without stripes, logos, sequins, or lights and they look at me like I’m insane.

    I used to be able to get white Reeboks for $50 a pair. I bought two pair at a time and they’d last a year – I literally wore the tread down smooth. Nobody carries them any more. I’ve gone to at least 15 shoe stores and can’t find them. I lucked into a pair of white K-Swiss that only had a small logo so I took what I could get.

    My job requires at least a modicum of decorum. If I start wearing gaudy ghetto shoes, management will forbid them entirely and I’ll be stuck wearing uncomfortable ‘dress’ shoes. Plus I think the gaudy crap is only suitable for Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    Plain. White. No logos. No stripes. No sparkles. No baubles. No lights. Why is that so difficult?

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