Rumor: Reince Has Until July 4th To Get WH In Order – IOTW Report

Rumor: Reince Has Until July 4th To Get WH In Order

The usual unnamed sources are whispering that the president has given his chief of staff, Reince Preibus until Independence Day to “clean house” and make major staff changes.  Press Secretary Sean Spicer has denied the story.


7 Comments on Rumor: Reince Has Until July 4th To Get WH In Order

  1. On the other hand if he wants someone to really watch his back and run the WH leaving him free to drain the swamp and try to get America back on course then drop Prince and hire Sarah Palin. Not only will he get somone with proven political and adminstrative skills but a person unafraid of the usual Washington power brokers. She’s proven herself loyal to conservatism as well as to her family and the added attraction is she’ll make the progressives and the MSM heads explode with rage and Americans will finally truly see what the left is all about.

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