Rush Approves Of Laura Loomer’s Comey Ambush – “Her question is right out of my heart” – IOTW Report

Rush Approves Of Laura Loomer’s Comey Ambush – “Her question is right out of my heart”


9 Comments on Rush Approves Of Laura Loomer’s Comey Ambush – “Her question is right out of my heart”

  1. Strange comments,

    Loomer needs to stop by the local gym before she attends these things a find the two biggest MoFo’s in the gym and ask them, “Hey, you want to beat the shit out of little people? Follow me and watch my six.”
    Can you imagine the pandemonium with two Big Ass MoFo’s kicking runt ass that are trying to throw Loomer out? It could be a pay per view.

  2. get a load of the loons staring back at her camera. These people were sitting there ready to lap up what ever vomit j. edgar comey was puking up.

    watched the full vid from breitbart and the dyke that stands up to block her camera view, inflated like some puffer fish.


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