Russia and China Combine Forces and Show Off Military Might in Pacific – Meanwhile, WE HAVE TRANSGENDERS!!! – IOTW Report

Russia and China Combine Forces and Show Off Military Might in Pacific – Meanwhile, WE HAVE TRANSGENDERS!!!

Allen West-

Russian and Chinese militaries met in the last few weeks in the Pacific to conduct the largest joint training exercises in the history of the two nations. While floating in the Sea of Japan, Russian and Chinese men and machines worked together to show the world their commitment to one another, as well as their combined military might.


Someone should add this to their platform, that they are going to beef up and “masculinize” our military. No more focusing on gays and transgenders. We have global concerns that transcend making sure demented snowflakes feel good about themselves.


5 Comments on Russia and China Combine Forces and Show Off Military Might in Pacific – Meanwhile, WE HAVE TRANSGENDERS!!!

  1. like the assholes e.g. arby’s employee who hate law enforcement until they need them to protect from somebody yanking them out of the drive-thru window by their dreadlocks, the progressives despise and defile our military, but will scream like pussies when the military is no longer capable


  2. My thoughts are that Iran already has or is close to a nuke. They are just putting the pieces in place. The Russians are supplying the missiles and I have no reasonable expectation that the Øbamboozler will make any decision (read no decision) at all to respond if Iran launches at the U.S. Flanked by Russia and China the Øbamboozler will capitulate while Iran proceeds to try to nuke Israel.

  3. Leftists are spiking the football over Obama’s “great foreign policy victory”. On sites like yahoo, they’re hurling their usual insults at conservatives and the Tea Party. Leftists are vile, hateful, toadies. They’re gleeful about ruining the greatest country the world has known. I’m not sure we’ll survive as a nation while the democrats, worthless establishment republicans, the leftist media, and hordes of unproductive, hateful fools are running things. We’re weak, and the world knows it.

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