Russia Goes Full Bore Towards Aleppo – IOTW Report

Russia Goes Full Bore Towards Aleppo


Russia has begun its biggest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War as it aims to effectively end the war in Syria on the eve of the US election, Nato officials warned last night.

The Kremlin is sending the full might of its Northern Fleet and part of the Baltic Fleet to reinforce a final assault on the city of Aleppo in a fortnight, according to Western intelligence.

The final bombardment is designed to shore up the Assad regime by wiping out rebels – paving the way for a Russian exit from the civil war.

The assault on the city will also serve to highlight US inaction in the run-up to election day and may aid Donald Trump.

Yesterday, ahead of this morning’s debate with Hillary Clinton, his presidential campaign released a letter from defence experts backing plans to increase the size of the US military.

“This is not a friendly port call. In two weeks, we will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia’s strategy to declare victory there.”

The additional military firepower is designed to drive out or destroy the 8,000 rebels in Aleppo, the only large city still in opposition hands, and to allow Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, to start a withdrawal.

Mr Trump has consistently praised Mr Putin as a strong leader and has promised a closer relationship with Russia if he wins the Nov 8 US election. He has suggested that, if elected, he would meet the Russian president before the inauguration in January.

Mr Putin has returned the compliment, calling the Republican nominee “outstanding and talented” – one of his closest political allies, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, urged Americans to vote for Mr Trump, calling him a “gift to humanity”.

Barack Obama said earlier this week that Mr Trump’s admiration of Mr Putin was “unprecedented in American politics”.

Mr Obama said: “Mr Trump’s continued flattery of Mr Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches to politics on Mr Putin … is out of step with not just what Democrats think but out of step with what up until the last few months, almost every Republican thought.”



HT/ Tsunami

7 Comments on Russia Goes Full Bore Towards Aleppo

  1. obama has done perfectly in creating a perfect storm of chaos domestically and internationally

    economy on the edge of a cliff, higher rates will push it over

    no border control, rampant illegal immigration, creating death and mayhem, stealing our tax dollars

    middle east a mess

    isis uncontrolled

    rampant exodus of muslims, most of which who want to kill westerners

    russia emboldened

    iran enriched with our tax money so that they can attack israel, europe, and the us

    israel kicked to the curb, isolated

    masterful work

  2. It appears Putin and Russia is willing to do what Obama has repeatedly failed to do in 8 years, wipe out ISIS.

    Obama has failed by supporting ISIS, arming ISIS, protecting ISIS. During the same time Obama saddles our military with death causing rules of engagement, reduced the size of our forces, reduced needed equipment, reduced medical benefits, allowed the VA to ignore our veterans as they died for lack of care, refused to listen to military leader’s strategy, experience and common sense.

    Obama iss more concerned with muslim sensitivities and political ramifications than the American lives he put in the combat zone. And “his” politically appointed perfumed princes (Generals) in the pentagon, did squat. Shame on them all !

    As for Putin’s move against ISIS, “kill ’em all”.

  3. If anyone doesn’t believe Obama is friends with ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc., Just look at how Russia is helping Assad defeat the terrorists destroying his country.
    That whole ‘Arab Spring’ deal worked out well for ya, didn’t it, Barry?

  4. “Mr Trump … is out of step with not just what Democrats think but out of step with what up until the last few months, almost every Republican thought.”

    So, he’s changing his endorsement?

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