Russian Claims FBI Tried To Bribe Him Into Confessing He Colluded With Trump Team To Steal Election From Hillary – IOTW Report

Russian Claims FBI Tried To Bribe Him Into Confessing He Colluded With Trump Team To Steal Election From Hillary

Washington Times-

Mr. Nikulin was apprehended in Prague last October pursuant to an internal arrest warrant and was subsequently charged by a federal grand jury in California with hacking LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring, three San Francisco-based internet companies. He’s wanted in both the U.S. and Russia, however, and has remained for months in Czech custody as authorities review requests from both countries.

FBI agents interviewed Mr. Nikulin twice since his arrest, he wrote, and each time asked him to confess to hacking American political targets. Mr. Nikulin said he refused their initial request last November, then received a second offer three months later.

FBI agents asked Mr. Nikulin to admit hacking Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, Democratic Party computers and American polling stations “on Putin’s orders,” he wrote. In exchange, he alleges, the FBI said he’d be extradited to the U.S. but ultimately given money, citizenship and a free apartment.


18 Comments on Russian Claims FBI Tried To Bribe Him Into Confessing He Colluded With Trump Team To Steal Election From Hillary

  1. No, really, he’s guilty as sin. I have it on good authority that he single-handedly prevented the Clinton campaign Scooby van from entering Wisconsin on multiple occasions.

  2. “Western Rifle Shooters”

    Yep, the media and the Democrat/Socialists/Communist/Marxists/Nazi Democrats are going to bring impeachment charges. They’ve talked themselves into it. At that point they need dealt with.

  3. If true I’m loving this ,He’s the kinda guy the Libtards usually love.
    We know the libs Think if they’re not cheating, they’re not playing.
    This time maybe wev’e got something.

  4. Do you think he could pick Comey out in a lineup? Let’s see, 6’8″ tall, kinda of a Herman Munster, Joe Mannix type of look? I don’t know, there’s a lot of those guys. I hope he can make a case.

  5. @BB — Just remember that Trump isn’t there just because of Trump. God Almighty has given this country another chance and He will do whatever He likes. We’ve already witnessed miracles along this line, yes?

  6. So, take the deal and spill the beans.
    He might end up dead, but he’s gonna end up dead, anyway (not being existential, here, just that if his allegation about the FBI is serious, they’re gonna kill him).
    And if he embarrasses Putin he’s dead, too.
    Guy should have headed for Detroit, or LA, or some other “sanctuary” city.

    izlamo delenda est …

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