Russian Hacker Group Claims to Have Broken into The Federal Reserve – IOTW Report

Russian Hacker Group Claims to Have Broken into The Federal Reserve


Russian ransomware group LockBit claims it has breached the U.S. Federal Reserve and is threatening to release 33 terabytes of sensitive data, including “Americans’ banking secrets,” on Tuesday.

“33 terabytes of juicy banking information containing Americans’ banking secrets,” LockBit wrote Sunday on its data leak site. More

15 Comments on Russian Hacker Group Claims to Have Broken into The Federal Reserve

  1. Certainly no reserves – but they can just (digitally) ‘print’ as much as they want!
    Because that’s how money works now.

  2. ” 33 terabytes of sensitive data, including “Americans’ banking secrets,”

    And what would those secrets be? You would have to be brain dead to not realize that the big banks with the connivance of the government have been dry shaving us for as long as they’ve existed. I’m not saying that there aren’t a fair number of brain dead people out there.

  3. “The Americans don’t care.”
    “What’s wrong with them?”
    “They hate the phony FED.”
    “Oh. I thought you were going to say they keep asking Putin to nuke ’em from orbit.”
    “That too!”

  4. For decades Ron Paul and others have been demanding a complete audit of the Federal Reserve. He knew that once they century of financial crimes was exposed, abolishing them would be demanded by the citizens. Hopefully this data shows the truth of their global financial crimes and hopefully it will all be released (minus any passwords, etc). They are the greatest crime syndicate the planet. Some sunlight would do a lot to cure us of their infection of our nation.

  5. Get rid of the FED, while you’re at it get the US our of the UN and the UN out of the US.
    The FED and the UN are parasites and we are the host feeding the bastards.


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