Russian Sargent Supposedly Demonstrates How Not to Handle Grenades – IOTW Report

Russian Sargent Supposedly Demonstrates How Not to Handle Grenades


According to Baza, a Russian Telegram channel that regularly posts information about security issues within the country, the explosion occurred at a cultural center re-purposed to house mobilized troops.

Russian emergency services told the state-run news agency Interfax that the sergeant accidentally detonated a hand grenade which caused ammunition to blow up and started a fire.

Baza said the man who caused the blast “picked up an RGD-5 grenade in order to establish authority over his troops.” Authorize

4 Comments on Russian Sargent Supposedly Demonstrates How Not to Handle Grenades

  1. Telegram and Newsweek…It’s got to be true.

    I love the picture of a Russian soldier in Luhansk, in a story about Belgorod. But I’m sure Newsweek will get “independent confirmation” real soon.


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