Russians Paint “Invasion Stripes” On Armored Vehicles Massing On Ukraine’s Border – IOTW Report

Russians Paint “Invasion Stripes” On Armored Vehicles Massing On Ukraine’s Border

The U.S. Sun

RUSSIAN tanks painted with “invasion stripesare gathering on Ukraine’s border as Putin is reportedly set to deploy 30,000 more troops.

A local in the Russian Astrakhan region, 350 miles from the border, filmed the BTR 80 armoured vehicles with white crosses painted on them.

The tanks were reportedly spotted yesterday heading in a convoy to the railway station.

Military experts have warned that similar white markings were used by the Soviet Army during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. The stripes help identify vehicles to friendly forces.

Russia will soon have a staggering assault force of more than 100,000 troops along with tanks and other armoured vehicles amassed at Ukraine’s border, reports the Mail Online. More

24 Comments on Russians Paint “Invasion Stripes” On Armored Vehicles Massing On Ukraine’s Border

  1. With our largest deployment of troops in a combat zone below five thousand the bankers have to generate fresh conflict. Our defense contractors, international bankers, and their bought and paid for political representatives HAVE to set up more lethal conflict.

    Nothing is more profitable than war. And nothing will stand in their way of making it happen.

  2. This is the best time for both China and Russia to take another country.
    Like the Democrats like to say: “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
    In case anyone is slow on the uptake…Biden is the crisis…OURS.

  3. We are in over our heads with Biden Debt. We can’t afford any scrimmages with Russia or China and they know it. Sorry Taiwan, Trump isn’t here to protect you and Biden doesn’t even know where Taiwan is. Learn to code, in Chinese.

  4. I was wrong!
    I admit it.
    Mock me!

    I said there would be “blood in the deserts” within 6 months of the Boe Jiden Administrations but it will be the East European Theater.

    I AM an ASS!

  5. Lowell is correct. Hell Ronald Reagan jump started our economy, after Peanut Boy killed it, through Military spending. I rode that wave. There’s a big difference this time around. I don’t think they care who wins.

  6. …The stripes help identify vehicles to friendly forces…

    Those stripes will also help identify the vehicles to enemy forces.

    WTF? Are the Russians that stupid? Or is the stupid one the Sun “journalist” who wrote the item?

  7. Donbas has not recovered from the last go around. Ukraine’s army is pretty ragtag, under funded and poorly equipped.

    Oh wait, Pedo Joe will draw a line in the dirt that can’t be crossed.

  8. Russia threatens to invades Ukraine….China threatens to invade Taiwan….Honduras and El Salvador are invading the US….Hang on folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride and a decrepit old fart is driving, or thinks he is.


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