Ruth Bader Ginsburg Slammed Posthumously For Failing To Retire Early Enough – IOTW Report

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Slammed Posthumously For Failing To Retire Early Enough


As left-wing tempers rage over the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe v. Wade this week, an unlikely villain has emerged in the fracas: the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Long a feminist icon and progressive hero, Ginsburg passed away in September of 2020. Her death, occurring several months before the end of the Trump administration, allowed then-President Donald Trump to place his third and final justice on the Supreme Court, in that case Amy Coney Barrett. 

Barrett’s vote on the court is seen as key to the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, leading many commentators to posthumously criticize Ginsburg for refusing to retire during Barack Obama’s tenure as president and setting up Barrett’s ascendancy to the Court. 

“RBG was a hero for many reasons,” Hollywood Reporter columnist Scott Feinberg said on Twitter. “But the terrible irony is that her decision to stay too long at the party helped lead to the destruction of one of the things she cared about the most. Sadly, this will be a big part of her legacy.” more

13 Comments on Ruth Bader Ginsburg Slammed Posthumously For Failing To Retire Early Enough

  1. I don’t like to say bad things about people in death. I didn’t agree with her on just about everything she voted for but I thank her staying in the court as long as she did.

    It gave Trump the next justice he needed to change the court. We needed that after the way Robert’s turned on us. Can’t blame him, his many visits to Pedo-Island assured us he was one of the chosen and well above us common folks.

    Thanks Ruth. You finally came thru with the conservative folks.

  2. It just tickles me when I remember all the hagiographic childrens’ books and all the soft, doughy journos who just couldn’t keep up with her Parris Island workouts.

    Hillary could have fixed this problem way back when, but she was to busy writing “Gutsy Women”, hating Barky and planning on being President to do what needed to be done immediately.

  3. The Left is just a fire hose of hate and contradictions.

    Okay, a question. If an unvaccinated woman wants an abortion is she considered by the Left to be an anti-vaxxer or Pro Choice? Can she be both? What does the Science tm say?

  4. Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is definitely notorious now. Ginsberg has gained more Conservative supporters dead than she had when she was trampling on our Constitution. Thank you for dying in office, instead of retiring. RBG finally served her Country.

  5. Ruth was sure Hitlery was going to win in ‘16, but when Donald upset their plans, she thought she could hold on until 2021. She choose poorly. The hand of God, once again.

  6. “But the terrible irony is that her decision to stay too long at the party helped lead to the destruction of one of the things she cared about the most,” Hollywood Reporter columnist Scott Feinberg said on Twitter.

    The idiots on the left don’t even know where their beloved liberal icon stood on the issue of the Supreme Court making up a new right out of thin air! Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    Ginsburg would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.

  7. God saw fit to croak Ginsberg when he did. She lived too long and did enough damage. Abortion wasn’t one God would allow Ginsberg to vote on. All you abortionist now must go to your State and bug them to allow abortion in your State. It’s liberals having abortions, do we really need any more liberals walking our streets and voting against us? We were all for liberals taking the jab and dying, what’s changed about that, a dead liberal is a good liberal. The face of society has changed dramatically since Obummer was in office. He did fundamentally change America, he’s turned children into the alphabet, and used corporations to do it = Target and others.


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