Sacramento Dems LOVE Their Own Bigots and Haters – IOTW Report

Sacramento Dems LOVE Their Own Bigots and Haters

CPR: The Democrats in Sacramento hate John Wayne for an interview he gave to Playboy.  It was a dumb interview and even at the time was wrong.  So, Sacramento Democrats refused to approve a resolution declaring May 26 “John Wayne Day” in California.  Yet, today they march in honor of Caesar Chavez, who hated Mexicans:  “. All this for a man who, in a 1972 interview, called strikebreakers from Mexico “wetbacks,” a term widely considered racist and unmentionable today.”  One year after the Wayne interview in Playboy.

How about their love of abortions and taking money, and giving tax dollars to Planned Parenthood—created by Margaret Sanger for the PURPOSE of killing blacks—since 1973 Planned Parenthood has killed 13 million black babies—the greatest effort of genocide in history.

Then we have all the love for the environmentalist John Muir—a KKK type bigot, “For example, in 1988, the California legislature voted unanimously to declare April 21 John Muir Day. The Sierra Club founder, according to current governor Jerry Brown, was “a giant of a man” whose “scientific discoveries, engineering innovations and writings still inspire us today.” Presumably, Brown hasn’t read Muir’s reflections on “negroes” as “easy-going and merry, making a great deal of noise and doing little work.” It’s shocking to the modern ear to hear the celebrated naturalist declare that “one energetic white man, working with a will, would easily pick as much cotton as half a dozen Sambos and Sallies.”

As I have said before. The last remnant of bigotry in America is the Democrat Party.


13 Comments on Sacramento Dems LOVE Their Own Bigots and Haters

  1. Hate to disagree, but the “Duke” did nothing wrong in that interview!

    What he did do was proffer the idea of personal responsibility, maybe you’ve heard of it?

    I’m frankly sick and tired of all the weak sisters who can’t handle the truth! Oh, wait…is “weak sister” now a forbidden phrase?

  2. Meerkat, Ya know things were a lot less racially divided back then then they are now. Another great black American back then. Sammy Davis Jr. Part of the rat pack. What a talented MoFo.
    By the way if you’ve never read the story about John Wayne punching out one of Frank Sinatra’s body guards google it. It’s awesome.

  3. Brad, Sammy was my favorite black Jew. (Oh, sorry I’m not allowd to say that anymore). Seriously, though, who has done more for Africans, Sammy or the pale and beautiful Audrey Hepburn?

  4. Meerkat,
    I grew up listening to all the heavy metal. At that age I was a Street Racing punk. Still wrestling and lifting but Zeppelin, Hedrix’s, Van Halen, etc were usually booming in my eight track. But I can remember clear as a bell visiting my parents one night at there house and sat in amazement listening to Sammy Davis sing Mr. Bojangles. Always a fan after that.

  5. Brad…Yeah, Woody Strode….he was in all of the Dukes movies….what do ya know of the Duke and James Arness dressing down and going to bars to….ummm…spark some shenanigans?…

  6. willy
    Ward Bond was in on that action too. Wayne loved the ocean and always owned sports fishers. The three of these guys use to venture down to Encinitas and tear the place apart. I was down there in the late 80’s and we were in a bar that had pictures of the Wayne crew hanging on every wall. I just tries to google the bar and nothing familiar came up. Oh wait, the grey matter just kicked in. Hussongs Cantina. When I was there it was a really cool shit hole. Looks like they went all AM.

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