Sad Hillary Spotted in Upstate NY Mountain Lodge – IOTW Report

Sad Hillary Spotted in Upstate NY Mountain Lodge

Mohonk Mountain House – stayed there once, myself.

I didn’t eat alone, however, at a table for 6. Sad. So sad….

Where’s Bill?

Probably at the Mounting house.


ht/ annie

45 Comments on Sad Hillary Spotted in Upstate NY Mountain Lodge

  1. I don’t buy it. I think the purpose of this is to try and make Hillary look like a victim. Poor, poor Hillary — sitting all by herself. She’s been soooo mistreated. I think it’s the very same reason she’s decided to forego make-up and running a comb through her hair. She wants to look pitiable. Because portraying herself as a victim is her life’s goal.

  2. Didn’t Hitler have a mountain retreat he had planned to use? Well at least Gauleiter Clinton seems to be using hers. I wonder what she’s planning? A fourth White Water? A Clinton Foundation Night of the Long Knives?

  3. I agree. No Mercy.

    Lock her up.

    I’m starting to lean toward a Military Tribunal.
    For all of them.
    With a firing squad standing by, for swift execution of the verdict.


  4. @Gladys December 29, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    “Pweese don’t send little ole’ pitiful me to prison – I’m already suffferrring.”

    Pfft! Look at this dumpster fire I have to squat in just to get free Wi-Fi. I’m sure prison would be a step up.

  5. @MadJack December 29, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    “I wish she’d take Bill and go away to a mountain retreat in the Himalayas. I hope to never see their lying corrupt faces again.”

    You only say that because you HATE brown people.

  6. “Everybody’s misused her,
    ripped her off & abused her,
    Another leftist plan,
    pushing marxism for the man,
    A terrible blow,
    But that’s how it goes….
    Hilly’s in the corner now
    If you want to be a lefty, wow
    Remember hilly’s (career) is dead

  7. Old Hill probably didn’t want to be social with others. She’s a user of other people and currently has no use for them. I’ll bet she doesn’t even have any emails to send or read.

  8. Ring check… None. No ring, no hubby… And what kind of resort is this, they don’t offer room service? I mean, I lose my wedding ring and my hubby isn’t with me, I’m not venturing down to the dining room by my sad self.

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