“Safe Streets” Worker Murdered with Two Others in a Baltimore Drive-By – IOTW Report

“Safe Streets” Worker Murdered with Two Others in a Baltimore Drive-By

Question: How’s that alternative to police working out for you Baltimore?”

Answer: Here

The Safe Streets Program

17 Comments on “Safe Streets” Worker Murdered with Two Others in a Baltimore Drive-By

  1. They will not allow violence to continue, so they say.

    Just what exactly are they going to do about it? Make the violence more illegal than it already was then plea bargain it down to a charge of jaywalking and give a suspended sentence?

    Enquiring minds want to know..

  2. The goal of all this BLM/Antifa shit is to replace the police with leftist goons. It’s right out of the famous book and movie, “A Clockwork Orange”.

    What’ll happen next, is the disposable ‘safe street’ workers will be slowly replaced by leftist goons with guns.

  3. It doesn’t matter ‘how it works out’, the low-life, self-centered, obnoxious, obscene, worthless pieces-of-shit, (better known as liberals), will NEVER accept blame for their total fuck ups.

  4. That’s only a few blocks from where my daughter works at John’s Hopkins research hospital. It makes me cringe every time I hear of murders and other crimes in that area.

  5. From my own experience, cops are pretty much useless until something happens. After that if the cops do their job, more and more the prosecutors and courts are giving perps a mere hand slap, so it’s not just funding of the cops that’s the problem.

    From the story: “Tonight’s incident was a tragic event. Safe Street workers mediate the very types of conflicts we saw tonight,” said Commissioner Harrison.

    I think Safe Street worker ought to be the entry level position for any government job.

  6. Consider the core of patriots…

    #1. Veterans
    #2. Military
    #3. First responders
    #4. Border Patrol/INS
    #5. All other gun owners
    #6. Conservatives
    #7. Libertarians
    #8. The elderly
    #9. Christians
    #10. Trump supporters

    See any patterns here?

    This is an all out strategic globalist driven war on all of the above. In other words “America” as founded.

    Once you understand the goal every action that we consider inconceivable, incompetent, and incomprehensible becomes clear.

    What makes no sense to us makes perfect sense to them.

    The end times are approaching.


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