Salt and Pepper – IOTW Report

Salt and Pepper

He says he has no idea what’s going on, and I believe him…

40 Comments on Salt and Pepper

  1. Some cutesy gifts from girlfriends can backfire, and you don’t even know what you did wrong. My advice is, give her a couple shots of tequila, then ask her to explain the meaning of each one. If you’re still friends after, you might have a keeper.

  2. She’s not getting what she needs from this goof sexually. She’s currently naked in his bed and he’s trying to figure out where the salt goes. A typical young American male.

  3. George Peppard should have done Grey Poupon commercials.

    Peppard never eats without Poupon…. this stuff writes itself…

    But I think the ‘joke’ in the vid is that he’s an engineer, if we’re to believe his shirt, so it’s an engineer over analyzing everything.

    Or I could be full of poupon. I’m good either way.

  4. This dweebs name has got to be Mo Ron. What an idjit if he can’t figure out the difference between salt and pepper shakers. Is this generation of young emasculated men really that dumb or am I missing something. If it says salt it’s for salt and if it says pepper it’s for pepper, DUH! And you wonder how he deals with the sugar bowl. And is white sugar racist while brown sugar is not. And what about molasses which is black? There is such a thing as white pepper and don’t even get me started on rainbow peppercorns which they sell at Trader Joe’s.

  5. The shakers aren’t talking. The OWNER would be be saying these phrases ABOUT the shakers. Then it makes perfect sense, problem solved. And I spent too much time thinking about this.

  6. The guy has on his T-shirt the word “Engineer.” Now we all know why dam spillways collapse, high rise buildings collapse, windmills explode, and nuclear power plants shut down. We’re looking at the problem, he doesn’t see it.

  7. that salt shaker , which ever one it is, is illegal in nyc.
    he needs to turn himself in, along with the pepper shaker. He’s going to get people killed. Since he is obviously confused, he needs to turn in both shakers, as either one is possibly contaminated. Salt and pepper shakers should not be kept in the same room, to avoid potential problems like this.


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