Samantha Bee Gets All Tangled Up In “Nazi Hair” – IOTW Report

Samantha Bee Gets All Tangled Up In “Nazi Hair”

The host of the rarely watched late night faux news/comedy program “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” did a typical progressive segment on CPAC recently that declared men at the event with the “high and tight” Marine Corp style cut were sporting “Nazi Hair.”

The leftist hag and her producers have since fallen all over themselves trying to withdraw the segment and flush it down the memory hole ASAP when they were confronted by the sister of the gentleman pictured who informed Bee that her brother has “stage 4 brain cancer.”


14 Comments on Samantha Bee Gets All Tangled Up In “Nazi Hair”

  1. Shallow mindless mocking is what passes for ‘reporting’. She must be one of those the Nazis called. Lebensborn. No idea who her father is and her mother was just an incubator.

  2. If Saul Alinsky were alive today, he’s slap the progressives for being so fucking stupid. The progs smear average people as “nazis” while hobnobbing with and sucking up to oligarchs, and then wonder why they’re getting their asses kicked in every election now.

  3. Samatha Bee must be on one of those TV channels I never watch. If not for the internet, I wouldn’t know she exists. She sounds like a bitter leftist hag who thinks snark is humor. That’s typical for halfwits.

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