San Francisco finally plans to do something about criminal vagrants – IOTW Report

San Francisco finally plans to do something about criminal vagrants


San Francisco’s Embarcadero district, is one of the most scenic areas of the city and home to several waterfront attractions. It’s a place where people go to walk around and have a good time.

But lately, it’s been the scene of several random, violent altercations that have residents and tourists fearing simply walking down the street.

Some of the most recent incidents:

August 11: Paneez Kosarian was attacked at the door of her condo complex on Beale Street, by a man who claimed he was ‘saving her from robots taking over the world’. The incident was caught on video (see above) and a suspect, Austin James Vincent, 25, was identified. Police later arrested Vincent by tracking him by his court ordered ankle monitor, and turns out he was receiving treatment in a residential facility. He was charged with false imprisonment, battery, and attempted robbery. Kosarian says the suspect looked to be ‘on drugs’ or suffering from ‘some kind of psychosis’ during the attack. The suspect has pleaded not guilty. read more here

20 Comments on San Francisco finally plans to do something about criminal vagrants

  1. SF Citizens: ‘Help us, homeless population and crime are getting out of hand!!!’
    SF Council: ‘Okay, we’ll build more homeless shelters. That way we will, um, well we will get more homeless and crime.’
    SF Citizens: ‘We are all so liberal and caring, we won’t leave SF but will complain even more!’

  2. “San Francisco finally plans to do something about criminal vagrants”

    …but when is anything going to be done about the politicians criminal dereliction of duty?

  3. There’s a few million good ol’ boys would know how to FIX San Fransissyco (and the REST of Commiefornia, too), if you gave ’em a few weeks free hand to do it… 😉

    OR you can just wait for the earthquake.

  4. Mayor London Breed:

    I am deeply concerned about the recent high-profile incidents in the city, which is why I gathered the relevant department heads to discuss how we can respond and what we are doing proactively to make sure our residents feel safe. Safety is always our top priority and we want all our residents to feel secure in their neighborhood.

    Feelz. How about using your police to actually protect the rights of your citizens to go about their business without being accosted, assailed, assaulted, attacked, and robbed? That’s supposed to be the deal, right? The “social contract”? Citizens give govt money and power to protect their rights, right?

  5. …the surrounding counties should just be glad SF is not Cincinnati. The Queen City got rid of them by bribing some into the suburbs with Section 8, and having the police run the rest of them out of town as the compliant media covered Trump/russia instead.

    Be glad the City of Queens hasn’t learned THAT trick, yet, of simply outlawing it, then loading up with neckbeards instead…

  6. I personally wish to thank SF, and the remainder of California, for being the magnet that attracts such dangerous people to a place that I can deliberately avoid.

  7. I don’t really hear any ‘plan’ to deal with the issue. Extra patrol and behavior specialists in one area are not going to do much except maybe give tourists a false sense of safety.
    When I lived in SF there was a shirtless lunatic angry guy that looked like a pygmy on a part of the Embarcadero daily and he literally would chase anyone (mostly tourists) passing by and scream every obscenity in the book while shaking his fists violently and an officer told me unless he touched someone there was nothing they could do. They just saw it and shrugged and kept on walking. Adding 200 beds is just begging to add more insanity, not less.

  8. Criminal vagrants – as opposed to law-abiding vagrants:

    “Hey! I’m a law-abiding, American vagrant! Back off!”

    When was the last time you saw a law-abiding vagrant?

  9. Anonymous
    AUGUST 26, 2019 AT 10:30 AM

    “When I lived in SF there was a shirtless lunatic angry guy that looked like a pygmy on a part of the Embarcadero daily and he literally would chase anyone (mostly tourists) passing by and scream every obscenity in the book while shaking his fists violently and an officer told me unless he touched someone there was nothing they could do. ”

    …this just reminded me of the 24 hour Perkins we sometimes went to after Squad runs that had a special feature on most nights of a dwarf who tried to pick fights with everyone in the building at 3 in the morning just because that’s what he did. I mean, it’s actually hard not to laugh at at this little deformed dude shaking his tiny little fist in your face, but that would do NOTHING to de-escalate the situation, but dude could SWEAR, so sometimes it was pretty annoying, too. But what were you gonna do?

    On the one hand, especially with probationary members who hadn’t seen this act before, it was fun to egg them on a little, like “you gonna let him talk to you like that?” and watch as they mentally reviewed responses to a truculent Munchkin, which was quite outside of MOST folks’ experiences. I mean, you COULD easily kick his ass if you were anywhere NEAR a normal, healthy adult, but – wow, dude, you beat up a dwarf. Not cool! Also, the City would not thank you for the gleeful press coverage about one of their medics, in full uniform complete with the City’s name, pounding on a diminutive crazy person who, mouthiness aside, couldn’t credibly threaten a cat.
    OTOH, most of the probys were young guys, full of false confidence, testosterone, and Mountain Dew (the Red Bull of my day), and had internal struggles with just letting someone “Dis” them.

    …we knew the dude was just a harmless weirdo that wasn’t really specifically challenging anyone but the whole world, and that he would quickly get bored and move on if you didn’t react, So, mostly we just used it as kind of a “Weirdness tolerance” test for newbies, kind of gauging their problem solving and self-restraint skills, but watched to keep them from doing something stupid if they were fool enough to actually react.

    Only a couple DID, and this let you know you had to watch them in REAL crisis situations. Neither of them got anywhere close to getting their badge for other reasons, either, so it was actually a pretty good indicator.

    Most would just flush, puff up a bit, tell the guy to piss off, then return to eating and ignore any further provocations. This was the right response.

    We were all used enough to dealing with crazy people to watch for anything out of the usual, though, so if he’d have pulled a weapon or anything it would have been stomped quickly, but he never did. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t ever happen, but with reasonable attention to this potential, if you don’t GIVE attention whores attention, they WILL go away. Since he never touched anyone and the restaurant just seemed to consider him part of the local color and never themselves went to the cops, the police couldn’t do anything with him, either.

    At the end of the day, then, with your pygmy just like with my dwarf, you have a choice to either ignore it, embrace it, or simply avoid it, because it AIN’T going away. Jesus said, “The poor you will have with you ALWAYS”, but He probably could have said that about the crazy, TOO, but He DID have other things to think about at the time…


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