The Left Wants Mount Rushmore Torn Down – IOTW Report

The Left Wants Mount Rushmore Torn Down

30 Comments on The Left Wants Mount Rushmore Torn Down

  1. No different than the Taliban destroying the historical Buddhist and other statues and temples because they -Islam- found them offensive.

    Rewriting history and all of it’s symbols is a Leftist standard, no matter what they call themselves or use as an excuse.

  2. Uh, that there’s a big FU to that idea.
    I will go to Mt. Rushmore to protect it.
    If they do try to tear it down, they better send bachelors and plenty of ammunition.

  3. Can we compromise and build a Mt. Flushmore?

    Carve it into the side of a landfill or sewage treatment plant. Maxine Waters, Steve Cohen, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid.

    Inscribed, a monument to overachieving pieces of shit who left their skidmark on history.

  4. While we’re tearing down Mt. Rushmore, that monument to white supremacy, we should also paint the White House black and the Capital Building as well. The problem with that is the black paint would absorb more sunlight, contributing to global warming. And it would cause the space inside to heat up more, requiring more air conditioning, which would use more energy, which would contribute to global warming. What’s a fascist progressive to do?!

  5. Why is it almost always foreigners or first generation citizens who really have no roots in our country’s culture that come up with this shit? Maybe people need to be 3rd gen Americans before they can be elected to office.

  6. ravings from the jealous, insane, losers. They want to tear down anything and everything that made/makes America great because they know in their hearts that they will never amount to anything so they want revenge. They strike out like this to exercise power over the rest of us in the only way they seem to excel – nihilism.
    “Liberal: a power worshipper without power. ” – George Orwell

  7. I have been angry at the removal of so many historical monuments statues plaques and such being removed. Removal changes nothing. Growing up would help people much more. That being said, Let em try something at Mt. Rushmore, I’ll be on them like flies on sweet meat.

  8. It’s not just the leftists that will be on board with the idea of tearing down Mt. Rushmore. There are huge numbers of foreigners who’ve moved to America (illegally or otherwise) who have no connection to the history of this country and do not wish to assimilate. Our monuments stand as a reminder of their alien roots and they see that as a slap in the face. Therefore, they want all monuments of the past removed so they can remake the country into something they feel “comfortable” with. Got to get rid of all those white faces!

  9. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book re-written, every picture has been re-painted every statue and street building has been re-named, every date has been altered, and the process continues day by day and minute by minute.

    History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which The Party is always right. –GEORGE ORWELL, 1984


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