San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke – IOTW Report

San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke


Schools in the progressive haven of San Francisco are facing a major budget crunch. Things are so dire that the district may have to actually close some schools.

It’s amazing that these schools are having cash flow problems when you consider the taxes people pay to live there.

Officials from the school district recently met with some financial experts who gave them some tough love. more

21 Comments on San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke

  1. Oh Noes! Wherever will we goes to has our children corrupted and groomed and indoctrinated NOWS?!?

  2. Too damn many parasites in the system – too many layers of bureaucracy controlling even more layers of bureaucracy and more administrators than teachers!
    Like flies on a hog…

  3. Well besides being a joke that wants to destroy the family unit, they’re out of money because their tax base has shrunk down to nothing. And on top of that they’ve been closing schools for the last ten years. No kids to teach. They all left.

  4. Family/student exodus = Federal education funds reduction

    + stupid city bureaucratic overhead = funds shortage = school closures

    The city will die also and the Chinese will buy it.

  5. If that Bentley can go from zero to Allah in 100 ms (milli seconds I believe) that has to be a guaranteed meet Allah in a flash and claim your 72 sturgeons before you can even blink. Go for it, you muzzie bastards the sooner we’re rid of you the better. And say hi to Satan who is really Allah when you get to your muzzie paradise. We won’t miss you a bit. Nor will your widows, mostly the sheep and goats.


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