Sanctuary City Dwellers Are Suffering Sexual Battery, ‘Stranger Rapes,’ Murders at the Hands of Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Sanctuary City Dwellers Are Suffering Sexual Battery, ‘Stranger Rapes,’ Murders at the Hands of Illegal Aliens

Breitbart – The migrant from Honduras who was charged with raping a woman on a woodsy trail in Herndon, Virginia, is a case study in permissive left-wing sanctuary city and state laws that have endangered so many Americans.

“Let me start by saying that I am incredibly saddened and outraged that a crime like this could happen here in the town of Herndon,” Herndon Police Chief Maggie DeBoard said at a press conference last weekend after the arrest of the migrant.

Denis Humberto Navarette Romero, 31, was arrested and charged for the November 18 attack and rape of a woman he allegedly encountered on the Washington & Old Dominion Railroad Trail in Herndon. The attack was termed a “stranger rape” because the attacker and the victim did not know each other.

“We haven’t had a stranger rape in over 12 years that I’ve been here as chief,” Chief DeBoard said. “There should be full prosecution, so this never happens again.” more

12 Comments on Sanctuary City Dwellers Are Suffering Sexual Battery, ‘Stranger Rapes,’ Murders at the Hands of Illegal Aliens

  1. All I gotta say about this is that the left liberals best be bracing themselves because they are about to head into the EYE of the hurricane come Jan 2025.

  2. You gotta look at the bigger picture, an occasional rape (assault, burglary, murder, kidnap) is a small price to pay for giving the oppressed of the world sanctuary, and only a xenophobe would not see the compassion in letting countless millions of worlds whoever into your homes. There is this statue in NY Harbor that says,”Come on in, the water’s fine”.

    A couple of years back there was this illegal who ran over (killing her) an elderly woman in a crosswalk in SF, they caught the guy but the daughter, good lib that she is, did not want him charged, saying his life was hard enough. This is the sort of idiocy that populates these blue cities.

  3. @ Don’t California my Texas SUNDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2024, 13:10 AT 1:10 PM

    Be ready to refute the Goddamn morons platitudinous bullshit. Be extra ready to tell the establishment Republican enablers and co conspirators to go fuck themselves in the ear and butt out and to let you handle this. Both are going to resist every attempt to MAGA.

    G. K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong With the World (1910):

    There is one metaphor of which the moderns are very fond; they are always saying, “You can’t put the clock back.” The simple and obvious answer is “You can.” A clock, being a piece of human construction, can be restored by the human finger to any figure or hour. In the same way society, being a piece of human construction, can be reconstructed upon any plan that has ever existed. There is another proverb, “As you have made your bed, so you must lie on it”; which again is simply a lie. If I have made my bed uncomfortable, please God I will make it again.

    Next comes C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (1941–44; rev. 1952):

    You may have felt you were ready to listen to me as long as you thought I had anything new to say; but if it turns out to be only religion, well, the world has tried that and you cannot put the clock back. If anyone is feeling that way I should like to say three things to him.

    First, as to putting the clock back. Would you think I was joking if I said that you can put a clock back, and that if the clock is wrong it is often a very sensible thing to do? But I would rather get away from that whole idea of clocks. We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be and if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. We have all seen this when we do arithmetic. When I have started a sum the wrong way, the sooner I admit this and go back and start over again, the faster I shall get on. There is nothing progressive about being pigheaded and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world, it is pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistakes. We are on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.

    Finally, Richard Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences (1948):

    Whoever argues for a restoration of values is sooner or later met with the objection that one cannot return, or as the phrase is likely to be, “you can’t turn the clock back.” By thus assuming that we are prisoners of the moment, the objection well reveals the philosophic position of modernism. The believer in truth, on the other hand, is bound to maintain that the things of highest value are not affected by the passage of time; otherwise the very concept of truth becomes impossible. In declaring that we wish to recover lost ideals and values, we are looking toward an ontological realm which is timeless. Only the sheerest relativism insists that passing time renders unattainable one ideal while forcing upon us another. Therefore those that say we can have the integration we wish, and those who say we cannot, differ in their ideas of ultimate reality, for the latter are positing the primacy of time and of matter. And this is the kind of division which prevents us from having one world.

    Now the return which the idealists propose is not a voyage backward through time but a return to center, which must be conceived metaphysically or theologically. They are seeking the one which endures and not the many which change and pass, and this search can be only described as looking for the truth. They are making the ancient affirmation that there is a center of things, and they point out that every feature of modern disintegration is a flight from this toward periphery. It is expressible, also, as a movement from unity to individualism. In proportion as man approaches the outer rim, he becomes lost in details, and the more he is preoccupied with details, the less he can understand them. A recovery of certain viewpoints associated with the past would be a recovery of understanding as such, and this, unless we admit ourselves to be helpless in the movement of a deterministic march, is possible at any time. In brief, one does not require a particular standpoint to comprehend the timeless. Let us remember all the while that the very notion of eternal verities is repugnant to the modern temper.


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