Sanders 2016 Campaign Manager Apologizes for Being ‘Too Male, Too White’ – IOTW Report

Sanders 2016 Campaign Manager Apologizes for Being ‘Too Male, Too White’

WFB: The person who managed Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential run is apologizing for the campaign, which he now sees as “too male” and “too white.”

The New York Times reports accusations of sexism within Sanders organization are hanging over the Vermont socialist’s prospects of running for the White House again.

The chief problem, according to Sanders’s former campaign manager Jeff Weaver, was there were too many white men working on the campaign.

Weaver “expressed regret for some of the operation’s shortcomings,” according to the Times.

“Was it too male? Yes. Was it too white? Yes,” said Weaver, who is still a top adviser to Sanders.

Whiteness and maleness would be a “priority to remedy” on any potential 2020 Sanders run, said Weaver.

“We share deeply in the urgency for all of us to make change,” he said.

“In 2016, as the size of our campaign exploded, we made efforts to make it a positive experience for people,” Weaver added. “That there was a failure pains me very much.”

The Times reported on accusations from former Sanders female campaign staffers, who said they experienced sexual harassment, “demeaning treatment,” and were paid less than men, a frequent occurrence when working for Democrats.

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17 Comments on Sanders 2016 Campaign Manager Apologizes for Being ‘Too Male, Too White’

  1. “Sanders 2016 Campaign Manager Apologizes for Being ‘Too Male, Too White’”

    …So go KILL yourself already! Geez, these liberals, never wanting to do to THEMSELVES what they think should be done to the REST of us…

  2. When I go outside as a conservative, I see people of all shapes, colors and sizes. When Democrats go outside they see too many white males. Who am I going to align myself with being a white male?

  3. Nothing particularly white or male about Sanders or his campaign.
    That whole socialist fantasy is kind of feminine in its “take care of me and give me free shit” aspect and radically feminist in its “you must ALL die!” aspect.

    And all racial groups make good (well, acceptable) slaves – from the Jews to the Messenians to the Melosians to the Thebans to the Slavs to the Angles to the Saxons to the Scots to the Irish as well as the Africans – mostly a case of morale – but make no mistake – socialism is about, first and foremost – the greater portion of mankind enslaved to the “select” (nomenklatura, or Party Faithful). Bernie’s stooge is being disingenuous – throwing crumbs to the femiNazis and pretending that Bernie’s something other than a dressed-up turd.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This is what kept me away from voting for Sanders; all the externals like skin color and gender. Everything in life would have been “free” if not for the White Males fucking it all up for Sanders, who is also a White Male.


  5. If he’s going to apologize, he should ask our forgiveness for being a worthless piece of commie shit, instead of something he has no control over.
    Or show his commitment with a tan and a sex change!

  6. Bernie lost cuz he would gladly give away everything that wasn’t his.
    Hillary lost cuz she would gladly steal anything that wasn’t nailed down…
    and if it wasn’t nailed down Bill would gladly see to that it was!

  7. he does actually own a hairbrush, but intentionally messes up his hair to look like a mad scientist. Socialists love that.
    They’re also working on getting funding for a dandruff brush- he doesn’t want to pay for it, and they are looking to see if their special government employee’s healthcare will buy it for him. His wife will take care of the paperwork for that.


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