Sanders’ Team Shares Video Of Joe Biden’s Support For Iraq War In 2003 – IOTW Report

Sanders’ Team Shares Video Of Joe Biden’s Support For Iraq War In 2003

Federalist: A Bernie Sanders speechwriter released footage of Joe Biden criticizing anti-war Democrats in 2003 when George W. Bush initially entered the Iraq War.

When Biden was a senator, he addressed an audience at the Brookings Institute delivering a message that he stood with the U.S. President and his invasion of Iraq.

“Some of my own party have said that it was a mistake to go to Iraq in the first place. They didn’t believe that it’s not worth the cost, whatever benefit may flow from our engagement in Iraq. But the cost of not acting against Saddam, I think would have been much greater,” Biden said.

Biden continued by praising Bush for his leadership in the Iraq invasion.

“The President of the United States is a bold leader and he is popular. The stakes are high and the need for leadership is great. I wish he’d use some of his stored up popularity to make what I admit is not a very popular case. But, I and many others will support him,” Biden said. read more

4 Comments on Sanders’ Team Shares Video Of Joe Biden’s Support For Iraq War In 2003

  1. The Kiss of Death is just an innocent peck on the cheek between these congenital liars. They all trade in overstatements and stay alive by pandering for the asses with free stuff. As the clown car begins to get less crowded, the choices become more stark, and people are beginning to realize that there are no real moderates that can get the nomination. The winner of this clown contest is going to make George McGovern and Michael Dukakis look like political geniuses.

  2. FAKE!

    We all know Joe Biden caught on tape sniffing hair, extorting and bribing foreign leaders, exaggerating about how tough he is, and outright lying is just edited video, “misspoke”, or taken out of context. –It’s one or all of those, it usually is, trust me.

  3. Biden just claimed in the debate that he destroyed ISIS. FFS… These fuckers are psychotic. I guess that’s what happens when you have a base that will believe virtually anything.


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