Sanders, Warren Battling for AOC’s Prized Endorsement – IOTW Report

Sanders, Warren Battling for AOC’s Prized Endorsement

Epoch Times: WASHINGTON—She doesn’t command a huge war chest or legions of devoted volunteers beyond her Gotham congressional district, but Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has something else that is worth its weight in gold, the power of her endorsement.

At the moment, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are prime contenders in the crowded field of Democratic presidential nomination seekers to receive what to this point in the campaign looks like 2020’s most coveted endorsement.

By all appearances, Sanders, 78, ought to be the hands-down favorite for Ocasio-Cortez’s blessing. After all, she worked for him in his losing 2016 primary campaign against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Several former Sanders 2016 campaign veterans also moved over to support Ocasio-Cortez’s successful 2018 primary against 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), a traditional liberal who at the time was a member of the House Democratic leadership.

There’s also the fact that Ocasio-Cortez teamed up with Sanders earlier in May on a proposal to cap credit card interest rates at 15 percent. The proposal represents the first time the two jointly developed and introduced a legislative measure.

At the same time, however, Ocasio-Cortez was careful to compliment both of the senators, telling CNN that what she “would like to see in a presidential candidate is one that has a coherent worldview and logic from which all these policy proposals are coming forward. I think Sen. Sanders has that. I also think Sen. Warren has that.”

Warren, who turns 70 June 22, has been campaigning hard for Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement in recent weeks, including penning a laudatory description of her as a “fearless leader” for the young congresswoman being named one of Time Magazine’s Top 100.

“A year ago, she was taking orders across a bar. Today, millions are taking cues from her. She reminds all of us that even while greed and corruption slow our progress, even while armies of lobbyists swarm Washington, in our democracy, true power still rests with the people. And she’s just getting started,” Warren wrote.  read more

13 Comments on Sanders, Warren Battling for AOC’s Prized Endorsement

  1. Whoever wins the AOC tarbaby endorsement had better be adept at distancing themselves from idiotic twitter outbursts and mindless microphone rants. She’s not growing in office. At all.

  2. Time gave AOC Top 100 which proves how stupid that useless rag is.

    She was bartending a year ago and should return to it. She is barely qualified to do that.

    How stupid and morally warped are Democrats? This trio proves it!

  3. The court jester has become the king maker?

    Left is right, up is down, bad is good, hot is cold, these dyslexic dopes are so addle brained it’s like a comedy act, one that’s been performed one too many times.

  4. Let Nancy retire to a medical facility where she can be fed and cleaned. Make AOC the speaker of the house so the laughs will continue with a new act. Let the entire country see just what a blithering idiot she really is.

  5. They both want her endorsement so they can have her present at their fundraisers to play bartender & mix the drinks & they won’t have to pay an actual professional bartender to perform the same task.

  6. “Sign o’ the times
    When madmen lead the blind.”

    We seem to be moving towards … uh … something?
    Some sort of cultural/political/temporal nexus/interstice/confluence?

    Absurdities and paradoxes simply cannot exist (for long).
    Like the Homunculus straining for existence, it destroys itself.
    Socialism eventually collapses under its own contradictions – but millions die in the attempt – why not choose Liberty and Freedom and eliminate all the unnecessary deaths?

    Plus ça change … aw … fuck it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. …does it bother ANYONE on the Democrat side that the “presidential candidates” need an endorsement from AOC AND Al Sharpton?

    …anyone at ALL?

    …no matter, Mooch will be the eventual “dark horse” nominee after all the boring stuff where “she” might have to take a position on is over. “She” will run on being a Black “woman” with a wink at the trans community “she” actually belongs to.

    …that ought to lock down the Black vote and the woman vote. Muzzies will vote for “her” because “she” is the one most likely to destroy America so they can bring in a Shari’a compliant caliphate, and Communists will vote for “her” as most likey to destroy America so they can bring in Communism. Hispanics know “she” will have no borders, and homosexuals ALREADY know “she” has no standards.

    …throw in the vote fraud, the gerrymandering, the voter intimidation, and the fact that you’re a racist, sexist, misogynist transphobic Islam hater White supremacist terrorist if you dare SUGGEST that “she’s” anything LESS than practically perfect in every way, and you’ll see that heavy investments in precious metals like brass and lead need to be made prior to 2020…


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