Sandra Fluke’s #WarOnDesign – IOTW Report

Sandra Fluke’s #WarOnDesign

via Twitchy

At least she didn’t use Comic Sans.


jon gabriel @exjon Doesn’t want to pay for contraceptives or a graphic designer. –> MT @SandraFluke Send a message:

32 Comments on Sandra Fluke’s #WarOnDesign

  1. Remember wen progs told us to shut up about obaqmacare because the SCOTUS upheld it and it is now the law of the land and we just have to learn to deal with it?

  2. “#NotMyBossBusiness”
    And that’s why he/she/they shouldn’t have to pay for it.

    @illustr8r, you’re right about the “design”. Oy!
    But it needs a rainbow gradient and maybe some dropped shadows on the typography.

  3. I wish someone would just send this vile squalling cat in heat a whole shipping container filled with birth control paraphernalia and have it dumped in her front yard for all the world to see and understand that she is perpetually in heat and in dire need of it!! Maybe THEN it would SHUT UP!

  4. Sounds like a WAR by design to me. What if we stopped acknowledging this stupid concocted, pointless, baseless line of bull shit. It’s just white noise to detract from the real problem. BO ROCK.

  5. Jeebus, how;s about we use this moment to send an overwhelming unmistakable message we’re sick and tired of hearing from this chick???

    And for those of us who have an affinity for fonts…my goodness, what a hodgepodge.

  6. That haphazard design ends up being reminiscent of the Union Pacific logo.

    She was probably born in a cattle car and had that design imprinted on her brain.

  7. Sandra Fluke (talking to her employer); “I need two hundred dollars a month extra. Effective immediately!”

    Employer: “Can I ask what this is for?”

    Sandra Fluke: “None of your goddamn business!!”

  8. Again the question needs to asked; Why should I pay for your birth control? If some guy wants to have sex with you, have him buy is own condoms. Talk about hypocrasy; They insist they have a “right” to something but demand thay some one else should be forced to pay for it. Hey, liberals if you want some thing pay for it with your own money.

  9. pfffffffffft ….she is just auditioning for the Hilldabeest when Huma decides to go for real versus strap on equipment and runs off with Slick Willie Clampett….

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