Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tells Leftist to Go Chalk Themselves – IOTW Report

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tells Leftist to Go Chalk Themselves


Joyless leftists, as they are prone to do, got all triggered when Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ kids used chalk to draw a cross surrounded by colorful stained glass-like shapes on the driveway at the governor’s mansion this week. 

Gov. Sanders had shared a photo of her kids and their artwork to social media, which naturally upset the usual suspects. More

12 Comments on Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tells Leftist to Go Chalk Themselves

  1. I guess sanders couldn’t have recommended to the leftists what some of us are thinking.

    Kindly go fuck yourselves up the nose with rifle cleaning equipment.

  2. This is how it’s done!
    I saw this yesterday and it warmed my heart.

    Assholes that want children being taught how to give blowjobs aren’t really offended by a Cross.
    Total control & capitulation is what they want.
    Hence all the screaming about SCOTUS yesterday.

  3. Surely Americans United for the Separation of Church and State sent a letter to the White House when Jill, excuse me, DOCTOR Jill, hideously decked the place out in tasteless Christmas decor. …right? Of course not! Because Jill and Joe are FOR killing babies and FOR child mutilation, 2 primary goals of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. When those goals align, you can bring religion into government all you want, this group is a farce.


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