Sarah Palin and the Collapse of the Democrats – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin and the Collapse of the Democrats

American Thinker-

The Democrats don’t have lousy Presidential nominee candidates merely because the good ones were keeping their powder dry.  A Black Swan candidate of 2008 is appreciably responsible for it, and no one seemed to notice.  When Sarah Palin became the focus of the hopes of committed conservatives, the swamp did everything in its power to destroy her.  Venal Republican operatives were so beset with personal jealousy, they were willing to crash the ship on the rocks to ensure against her ascendancy.

They won their battle, sadly.  But, a single line — just one — provided the foundation for conservatives.  Mrs. Palin told America “Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?  Lipstick!”

In one succinct line she captured the commitment and determination of conservatives seeking to protect something they love.

Fast forward a year, and those same conservatives saw Obama trying to destroy that which they love and without hesitation, these conservatives jumped into a new political movement.  Bolstered by their belief that Sarah Palin was an everyday somebody like them, and infuriated by her maltreatment, they populated the ranks of the Tea Party.  They were determined to protect America. Within months, they were activists. more

13 Comments on Sarah Palin and the Collapse of the Democrats

  1. Is the Democrat party really collapsed?

    They gained control of the House, and that means control of Congress since it does nothing without the Democrats wanting it done, in the last elections.

    I’m not seeing any of their current candidates winning the Presidency right now, but that doesn’t mean they won’t solidify on one of them for the election when push comes to shove.

    And I’m not seeing any growing unity in the Republican side of things, more like the Republicans were wishing they were not in charge so they don’t have to take the blame for what is being done.

    Time will tell, don’t underestimate an enemy if you plan on winning the conflict.

  2. The Republicans will continue to collude with the Democrats to lock down every future election so that whoever wins, it’s pro-Swamp.

    The Ds will increasingly run the most hard left candidate they can possibly field (one they probably don’t want in because it’d destroy what’s left of the economy, which they don’t want), while the Rs will run the one that’s the most Bush/Romney/Ryan/McCain-like, whom the Ds would also gladly accept over anyone REMOTELY like Trump or Reagan.

    Then the Rs will spook us and dare us not to vote, else the Leftist will win.

    Another RINO gets in office, or a Leftist does.

    Either way, Uniparty wins.

  3. Get ready, the old bag is saddling up. She’s licking her chops, adjusting her back brace and stocking up on Chardonnay. She’s like an old roller derby queen waiting for her moment to elbow in. It’s coming.

  4. When I first saw Sarah Palin it gave me hope and my head rushed. And yes, I did “join” the tea party. (I was going to say something smart-ass like, “When I first saw Sarah Palin I though to myself “Now that’s a woman I can get behind.”)

  5. There are no ‘sane Democrat’ leaders now because those in power have forced them out. The issue now is whether well-meaning people like my mom will continue to pull the D lever out of habit, whether they will continue to listen to what the lamestream media tells them and trust that it is true. People are waking up, but not all of them.

  6. That was a very good essay and assessment of the Democrat’s situation, but Wysong left out one important factor: the Old Democrat Guard is aging out. It’s not just that the OG’s ideas are too old for the Green Apples; they are literally getting too old to hold a coherent opinion in their heads and speak it out of their mouths. Look at the gaffe machines Biden and Pelosi, dithering, dotty old fools who don’t remember which town they’re in, can’t remember the name of the current president, and who issue a string of statements in which nouns, verbs and conjunctions are completely absent. Is it any wonder that The Young Jerks, who have about zero regard for anyone outside their radical,fevered, youthful set, take anything seriously from anyone — no matter their party affiliation — who was born in the first half of the last century? Ancient, dude!

  7. Oh, and by the way: the Democrats didn’t take the House because their ideas were capturing the imaginations of voters in greater numbers. They “won” because of “ballot harvesting” and, more importantly, they won because Republicans didn’t get out the vote! Republicans were too complacent and overly confident in POTUS Trump doing all the heavy lifting.

    Get out there this year and next and sign up at least 5 people to vote Republican and we can solve that problem.

  8. Having that cantankerous, old wet-fart with the personality of a baked-bean sandwich (who never could figure out the difference between “Reach Across the Isle” and a “Reach Around”) as a millstone around her neck surely didn’t help either!

  9. Palin was a breath of fresh air…hence the character attack…can’t have an independent strong woman running for federal office now can we?

    I suspect that none of the current Dems vying for the Oval Office will be the nominee — besides being insane with their hate-filled Socialist rhetoric against everything American, none of those morons has the chops to go up against Trump….he’ll eat their lunch, and the Lefty portion of Congress knows it (hence the preemptive impeachment strikes for the past 3 years).

    The dozen or so clowns are all warm up theater prepping the ignorant and rabid losers among the electorate for another candidate waiting in the wings. And doubtful it’s HRC, despite the latest murmurings…the woman couldn’t even win a fixed election, is physically deteriorating like her husband because evil does that to a person, and is a bit scared Trump will make good on his promise to indict her and her former boss (by all accounts this is happening behind the scenes for the right time to drop.)

  10. Both parties are beyond their expiration dates.

    Sanders “Dems” will blow the whole thing up if they don’t get it this time. And if Clinton waddles back in then it’s going to be a full on war on their side in the middle of their show trial, er, I mean very serious impeachment hearings.


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