Satanism’s Uprising Fueled By Marxism – IOTW Report

Satanism’s Uprising Fueled By Marxism

Could Chelsea Clinton be a satanist? Would you sell your soul to the devil and settle for this face? She’s one rotten negotiator.

The Guardian-

Satanism’s latest mutation is something else, a contrarian uprising against a patriarchal world order that deserves its comeuppance.

Disappointingly, Chelsea Clinton has denied she and her husband practise satanism. Her tweet wishing the folks at the Church of Satan a happy new year should not be taken as endorsement of the dark lord’s manifold heresies.

One hopes that, like her father’s denial of having had “sexual relations with that woman”, Chelsea’s disclaimer isn’t for real. Doesn’t she realise that the radical power of Satan is having a moment unparalleled since Milton unwittingly made him the badass rebel hero of Paradise Lost?

According to the LA Times, “a heterodox generation of new self-described satanists is upending old Rosemary’s Baby and Helter Skelter stereotypes in service of radical politics, feminist aesthetics and community unity”.

The paper sent a reporter to investigate a satanic soiree in a California basement where they found a coterie of artists, writers and musicians who chanted “Hail Satan!”, while someone, unacceptably, played minor chords on the organ.

Satanism is attracting counter-cultural Californians because it is seen as a community-based response to the Trump era. As the paper writes: “Traditionalists might debate if any of it is properly ‘satanic’ at all; this new take is much more feminist than nihilist, flexibly self-aware and better versed in internet culture than orthodox theology.”

Better versed is right. Consider the Church of Satan’s laconic Twitter feed that wryly corrects those taking the dark lord’s name in vain.

Consider, too, the good sense found in the website’s FAQs: “We see the universe as being indifferent to us, and so all morals and values are subjective human constructions” contends the “fundamental beliefs” section, while the “selling souls” section argues: “There are no souls – and nobody to buy them. If you want something out of life, get off your lazy butt and work for it.”


Gee. Satanism is basically leftism. Who knew?

In the leftist playbook, Rules For Radicals, author Saul Alinsky wrote an epigraph and described  Lucifer as “the first radical known to man.”

Hillary adored Saul Alinsky.

It’s out of bounds to think Chelsea is a satanist? I don’t think so.

ht/ Mortgages For the Masses

30 Comments on Satanism’s Uprising Fueled By Marxism

  1. “….Would you sell your soul to the devil and settle for this face? She’s one rotten negotiator…..”
    Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….. erp!

    Good stuff BFH

  2. I think she worships the Wizard of Oz; She’s looking more like the Cowardly Lion every day. Maybe that’s what the fire at Chappaqua was all about: Her mom threw a fireball at her in a case of mistaken identity.

  3. It is not like me to comment on people’s outward appearance. AND it is not like she came from beautiful genes……. but DAMN!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


    So, they take the symbol and name universally known in every culture to be the personification of EVIL and all that is associated with it, then laugh when people come to the conclusion they are practicing evil.

    “Oh you silly naive fools, we don’t worship Satan or any being and don’t believe in all that super-natural nonsense! Ha ha! We just adopted the name and symbols by pure coincidence! What gave you the crazy idea we were ever actually pro-Satan? The sign on the door that says Satan?”

    Yeah. I guess us “fools” just aren’t sophisticated enough to be in on the complex esoteric nature of the joke.

  5. Remember The Screwtape Letters…Satan’s greatest ploy is the deceit that he does not exist!

    Of course Chelsea worships Satan! Look at the Democrat party and their celebration of murder by abortion and sexual perversions like homosexuality. That’s who she aligns with, so she is evil.

  6. It would not be unusual for Chelsea not to be aware she is spiritually connected to Satan. Her uber evil parents, Hillary and Bill probably dedicated her when she was born and raised her as if she were Christian. Chelsea may finally be aware of her true nature, in denial and conflicted and trying to keep up appearances. Poor homely thing is in a spiritual quandary. God help her.

  7. Socialism is nihilistic at its core.
    They reject God.
    Like Lucifer they cannot resign themselves to the fact that God is God and that they aren’t.
    Thus, without (probably) giving it a great deal of thought, their hatred of God consumes them – every thought, every action, every hope, every dream, every despair – their entire existence, in fact; which is why they are insensate to suffering, devoid of love, wallow in lies, and attempt to destroy all that is beautiful, all that is good, all that is wholesome, indeed, all that makes life worth living.

    May God have mercy on them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Those idiots pretending not to be associated with satan are only clowning themselves. Satan is the father of lies and those who worship him are literally playing with fire.

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