‘Savage monster’ accused of decapitating pregnant ex-girlfriend, throwing head in dumpster – IOTW Report

‘Savage monster’ accused of decapitating pregnant ex-girlfriend, throwing head in dumpster


A pregnant Illinois woman was decapitated at her home, where her head was discovered in a dumpster — and her ex-boyfriend has been charged in the brutal murder, authorities said.

Deundrea Holloway, 22, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the death of Liese Dodd, also 22, whose remains were found Thursday in her Alton home, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

He also was hit with two counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child, dismembering a human body, concealment of a homicide and possessing a stolen vehicle.

The head of the nearly eight-months-pregnant woman was found in the dumpster outside her apartment, according to the newspaper.

“What was observed, what was learned, what was found, is absolutely terrible,” Alton Police Chief Marcos Pulido said, the Post-Dispatch reported. “She was decapitated by a freaking savage monster.”

Dodd’s mother, Heidi Noel, discovered the horrific scene on Bolivar Street when she went to check on her Thursday after she had not heard from the woman — who was expecting her first child, a baby girl, on July 27, according to the paper.

The family had reportedly been planning a shower for the baby, whose wish list included a pink princess crib sheet.

Officials have not said if the murder suspect — who Pulido said had “an on-and-off” relationship with Dodd for about two years — was the unborn baby’s father.

But the grief-stricken mother told KMOV that Holloway was not the father.

Noel described Dodd as a bright, loving soul with a “beautiful smile.”


ht/ c. steven tucker

49 Comments on ‘Savage monster’ accused of decapitating pregnant ex-girlfriend, throwing head in dumpster

  1. Noel described Dodd as a bright, loving soul with a “beautiful smile.”

    How could be she any other way? Perhaps she was unhappy, miserable, didn’t like her lot in life. Pregnant and the only man around is a black guy who ends up killing you. You’re not smiling any more, that’s the tragedy. 🙁

  2. Of course, it was a black guy who murdered her, her first mistake was to have sex with him in the first place. Off with his head as well on a guillotine immediately after his guilty sentence is pronounced. Aren’t white guys good enough for some young gullible white chicks or are they all a bunch of pansies with small dicks?

  3. Sorry to say it but she got what came to her. She was in an abusive relationship and she expected something different? She won the Darwin price . Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  4. Have some pity, my friends. How well do you think you’d manage going through life with the name DeUndreá?


    You know a name really really sucks when the name itself is worse than any nickname you can think up.

  5. If you hang with or marry abusive thugs, there’s no doubt of the out come.
    My daughter was beaten unmercifully, my wife didn’t even recognize her.
    I called the County Sheriff, he was arrested, prosecuted and sent to Menard Prison (one of the worse prisons in Illinois) for 2 1/2 years.
    I told him at trial “he’s a lucky man”, two months earlier I gave my Life to the Lord, if I were my old self, he would be dead and I’d be going to prison.
    Yes, her husband was black, my daughter was a naïve young white girl, taken advantage of financially and physically.
    She was lucky to survive.

  6. Guys of dipsh*t’s ilk are emboldened by virtue signaling libidiots.
    Pure evil.
    So sad.
    He’s being charged with the murder of the baby. She was due next month.

  7. Looks like daughter F’dA and FO.
    If he’s not native Afro-American then he’s Nigerian with a sub standard IQ to match his sub Sahara origins. Either way, I smell muzloid in this.
    My sympathies to the mother (any mention of the father of the deceased?).
    Maybe deceased daughter had (missing) daddy issues?

    My choice of punishment?

  8. @Brad June 16, 2022 at 9:29 pm

    > This story actually makes me sick. Nobody deserves that.

    And. That. Is. Why. We. Are. Here.

    Many. Many. Many. “Deserve” that.

    Including all Judeo-Christians.

    “Our” “tolerance” of cancer “voting”, among us, is why we are here. “Our” “tolerance” of tolerance of cancer “voting”, among us, is why we are here.

    For now.

  9. I’ve got to say, of all the commenters that try to make a significant point, fnuck seems to continuously say the most convoluted statements of just about anybody. Most of the time I’m left wondering what the heck he’s trying to say.

  10. Horrific. Poor girl, she was defenseless against such evil. This is why children need good fathers. They are the first line of defense for the family and set the standard for wise decisions.

    This crime is particularly gruesome. Put the blame on the degenerate cretin that killed a pregnant woman who most likely is the product of generations of warped, Demoncrat indoctrinated hoodrats and/or influx of barbaric, savage third world Islamic inbred imports.
    Too many black people, in general are psychologically damaged. Mostly self inflicted, aided by the left.

    Praying for this girl’s family who are suffering greatly. God in His mercy heals their hearts, let’s them know He is with them and grants righteous justice on their behalf.

  11. Don’t be a mudshark. Because you may end up pregnant and have to raise a kid alone, and the kid will be taught to hate you because you’re white.

    Or… You’ll get decapitated by your worthless, dusky psycho of a boyfriend.


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